
Hi everyone!! Today in honor of our queen, Shipful, we’re writing something incredibly outlandish and boarderline cringey!!!


lol i lostt access to this acc bc my phone was deactivated and i forgot the pass to this acc, the pass to it was on my phone]
          the bee channel is my new acc now/until i figure out the pass to N0DDLE


Nvm, I can only access thebeechannel on my computer and since I much rather use my tablet for wattpad (tablet is much faster, my computer is slow but I will use it if needed) I will be using this acc, N0DDLE 2.0. I may start doing jalbert one-shots again on this acc and will continue with weird stories and I may or may not continue with radizar, I most likely will not continue with radizar though as I don’t like it as much as I used to. 