
Siiiiiigh, I wanna write, but I just don't have the motivation or the time, and even when I do, I usually choose to mindlessly scroll on YouTube.


Damn bro you’re still alive. That’s crazzzyyyy


Siiiiiigh, I wanna write, but I just don't have the motivation or the time, and even when I do, I usually choose to mindlessly scroll on YouTube.


Damn bro you’re still alive. That’s crazzzyyyy


Hellooooo readers, particularly those who are reading my demon slayer fic. I'm thinking about rewriting/revamping it. The changes wouldn't be drastic, but unfortunately it is a victim of being made when I first started out writing and absolutely sucked at it(maybe not sucked, but y'know). The main thing that I'm thinking about is removing the whole "x Tanjiro" thing, because besides the mechanical hero, writing romance really isn't my thing, nor something I'm really committed to.
          On a similar note, I also plan to revamp my Hunter x Hunter fic for similar reasons. It just...makes me cringe to look back at old dialogue, and poor Azuki (my OC for said fic) just isn't working out as a character in my opinion. I will make an announcement if/when any unpublishing happens.


I meant to say this sooner, but happy new year everyone! That's another year off the list until we all die!! Okay but real talk, I'm happy to have made it to another year, and with that, also comes some writing. I know I've taken a LOOOOONG hiatus, but I think (big emphasis on think) that it's out of my system, and I'm ready to get cooking again.


Soooo....that was a lie. I'm really sorry guys, I just haven't had a lot of time because of college classes, plus my tablet has completely stopped working. I don't have a good computer to do Wattpad stuff either. I haven't given up, though, if I'm gonna finish any fanfic, it's gonna be the mechanical hero.


Holy crap it's almost been a year since I've updated the mechanical hero. I should probably get on that...


Hooray, maybe new chapter soon. I happy. 