
Help please!!!!What’s the one song from the gacha trend that goes.
          	Person A: ‘I like *insert something*’
          	Person B: ‘I like you’ 
          	Person A: ‘I like *insert another something*’
          	Person B: ‘I like you.’
          	And the song itself is in another language but idk what the language is and I’m going crazy because It’s stuck in my head and I wanna add it to my playlist but I can’t find it!!!


@ NeoLegend9094  I'm pretty sure you're thinking about "Me Gustas Tu" by Manu Chao ? It's the only song that comes to mind with a similar concept 


Help please!!!!What’s the one song from the gacha trend that goes.
          Person A: ‘I like *insert something*’
          Person B: ‘I like you’ 
          Person A: ‘I like *insert another something*’
          Person B: ‘I like you.’
          And the song itself is in another language but idk what the language is and I’m going crazy because It’s stuck in my head and I wanna add it to my playlist but I can’t find it!!!


@ NeoLegend9094  I'm pretty sure you're thinking about "Me Gustas Tu" by Manu Chao ? It's the only song that comes to mind with a similar concept 


this message may be offensive
I’ve decided to try my hand at making a cosplay from scratch. I won’t be able to do it on my own as I can’t measure for shit and you don’t want to even see my cutting skills, but I’m going to do as much as I can on my own and make it all from scratch. 
          I’ve decided to cosplay as Anna from Shaman King. If you know her you know that her outfit is pretty simple. Though it’s not extravagant I think it both fights my style and my abilities. Also she’s my favorite character from that anime. 


I always get sad when I see a video or a fanfiction that looks like it would be really interesting, but it’s in another language. And I’m like, if only I knew that language but I know I’d never be able to really learn another language so I just have to move on with my day and try not to think about all the amazing content I’m missing out on because of language. 


Don’t get me wrong, language is beautiful. But the fanfics!!!

          Okay I just had to share this. Whether you’re into Naruto fandom or not this is an absolutely amazing hilarious story and I recommend giving it a read. 


Also there is an adult content warning. Idk what exactly it’s for but there’s nothing sexy and nothing more gorey than the anime itself so it’s fine. 


Guess who got up at midnight because my dog was barking which she hardly ever does, only to find a stupid cockroach!!! 
          Yep. Me and my sis literally went down fully armed, we got our sticks and my sis took my dagger cause she thought it was a break in. 
          And everyone in my household except for my dad is very afraid of bugs, at least big bugs anyways. I think I’m probably the only one that freaks out over the tiny bugs. Whenever we see a big bug or spider we play the ‘no way am I doing it’ card until someone caves and deals with it. 
          So, now I definitely can’t sleep. PARTY ALL NIGHT!!!


          I made a new discord server!!! 
          This time I at least plan to be actually active. 
          The main purpose of this server is to create a safe space for everyone and also to promote amazing creators!!! 
          Here you can promote yourself or others, share funny memes and story’s, share art aside from fanfiction, make requests of creators, and maybe even receive support if you desire.
          Link below. <3


Since it’s pride month and also I’m thinking about it. 
          Reminder that clothes have no gender. Hair has no gender. Shoes have no gender. Makeup has no gender. Jewelry has no gender. 
          Boy, girl, both or neither, wear whatever you want. Wear a skirt, wear pants, short hair or long hair, high heels, boots, tennis shoes, it does not matter. 
          People will judge you, silently or out loud but it does not matter. Wearing a skirt does not make you a girl. Boys, if you want to wear a skirt and identify as a man, there is nothing wrong with that, go for it! 
          You should be the you that makes you happy, not the you that makes other people happy. 
          Also on a similar note. Wear whatever style of clothing you want too. If people think your style looks childish or bad, pay them no mind. Wear what you want!!! 
          Happy pride month ya’ll!!! 


Just as a reminder, there’s kilts as well :)


          So sorry I’m late. I remember I texted my group chat when I realized it was June but I forgot to announce it here. Also I’ve been super busy literally the whole month so far so yeah. Anyways. I hope everyone has a wonderful month! 


It’s officially my birthday! Which means I am now an adult!!
          And for the first time, literally ever, I have more than one person attending my birthday celebration aside from family, four in fact, and they’re all people I actually know!!!
          TvT I have friends! 
          Anyways. I’ll probably spend my day working on some fanfics and/or drawings. 
          To everyone else, I hope you have a good day! 


Thank you, I had and am having a wonderful day.

