
Thanks for the follow!! I think ur the one who commented about me updating a story... I plan about updating a lot of stories but I just don't have enough hours in the day. I will try!! I promise to try but I can't promise you that I will update. 


 Ok, thank you! I'll just keep myself occupied with your other books and other fanfics until then! Thank you!!! ^-^ :3


Hi! Thank you for following me! I hope we can be friends! ^.^
          Also thank you so much for voting on my story I hope you enjoyed the story! ^^


@Neko_nerd207 yay! We can talk anytime! 
            I'm glad you loved it! I appreciate that! I reeeeaaallly hope you'll love my other stories! 
            It was no problem dearie! I just love meeting new people and making friends! ^.^
            P.s I'm sorry for the late reply heh ^^'


No problem!! Of course we can be friends!! ^-^ Also, I love your story!! When I'm done with this story I'm going to read the other stories you wrote. They seem pretty good! And thank you for following me!!! It means a lot to have friends on here!!!!!! ^-^


My name is Sebastian nice to meet u neko 


@DarianMotto You can call me Neko, my family doesn't like me to give out my real name, I'm sorry. Nice to meet you too! I never knew people could be so rude. I guess I am sort of lucky. There aren't many bullies in my school and they don't target me because in real life at school I sort of have an invisible presence. I'm sorry they targeted you for a little thing such as appearances. 