
Online classes start tomorrow and this is not gonna go well. : (


Hey I don’t mean to sound pushy or rude but I was wondering if you were ever gonna update your Naruto x reader book..?


hey stella. you’re fine, i dont see that as rude at all haha. most likely, i probably won’t. i’m on a bit of a hiatus right now. (it’s also been like four plus years since I’ve watched naruto so i dont really remember much about it). sorry to disappoint you! : (


Please update "In our world" that book is amazing so is "Last three years",it brought me too tears but other then that is was a great book!!!And I'm sorry for asking you to update I know it can get annoying but I'm just asking. . .I'll be patient but can I at least know if your gonna continue the book?And I hope you have a great day Ziggy!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧(≧▽≦)


Hi Nashia~ I won’t lie to you, I’m not nearly as into Fairy Tail as I used to be. It took a lot of mental effort for me to finish Last Three Years simply because I just wasn’t into writing it anymore. It’s been so long since my last chapter of In Our World that honestly I forgot how I was going to end the story (haha). I can’t make any promises, but knowing that some readers would like to see it finished might motivate me enough to come up with an ending. Thanks for reading!