
Hello evmqryone 
          	If you have noticed my stosuh books are gone my apologies i put them in drafts. Does anyone want them back up? Tbh I'm thinking of maybe deleting them and making a new story but maybe an actual story idk what it's gonna be about but I'll try to think up ideas :3 
          	Also sorry for pinging all the people that follow me but most of you followed me cause of my books so i wanted to get your opinion on this just incase you want my shitty books to be up again 
          	Peace out my lovelies 


@superblackwolf i republished everything so if you want to read it go ahead 


@NekoTheDumbass okay I'm kind of like that too what my friends want to be my books I panic too but I kind of think you should let him read them is you choose if you want him to be them I'm not forcing you to let him read them your choice your business


@superblackwolf well really i don't know it's not really finished too but if enough people want it back I'll be happy to publish them again i was in a panic cause my boyfriend wanted to read them so i was like uhhhh no and drafted them 


Hello evmqryone 
          If you have noticed my stosuh books are gone my apologies i put them in drafts. Does anyone want them back up? Tbh I'm thinking of maybe deleting them and making a new story but maybe an actual story idk what it's gonna be about but I'll try to think up ideas :3 
          Also sorry for pinging all the people that follow me but most of you followed me cause of my books so i wanted to get your opinion on this just incase you want my shitty books to be up again 
          Peace out my lovelies 


@superblackwolf i republished everything so if you want to read it go ahead 


@NekoTheDumbass okay I'm kind of like that too what my friends want to be my books I panic too but I kind of think you should let him read them is you choose if you want him to be them I'm not forcing you to let him read them your choice your business


@superblackwolf well really i don't know it's not really finished too but if enough people want it back I'll be happy to publish them again i was in a panic cause my boyfriend wanted to read them so i was like uhhhh no and drafted them 


Hello everyone.... im sorry i have decided to discontinue my stosuh books i have lost all motivation on it... i really tried im sorry for all the people that read it qnd supported it but it made me happy that i got so much support... so thank you ♡♡♡... ngl this year has been rough and ive been through 2 rough break ups... so im sorry 


@StosuhShipper im sorry i did that so suddenly but it was once a passion project i just didn't feel the same about it anymore 


@Tommy_OwO w a i t- can I continue one of your Stosuh books?


For all the people who doesn't know Stephen announced that he left danplan that's the link to the video is actually, I quit danplan and his YouTube channel is actually Stephen. Honestly I can't grasp that that actually happened... but I respect Stephen's decision to leave danplan 


@dolphinplays11 who hasn't bro I feel you


@Tommy_OwO dude, I cried when watching this


oh and i want to get into more fandoms any suggestions?


@dolphinplays11 plot twist I'm todoroki 


@Tommy_OwO ten anime plot twists