
Also, an explanation is due. I know it's been a bit since my last public appearance
          	First off, I graduated college! Easily the most grueling experience I've had, for reasons I cannot tell you, but it's another battle won...kinda
          	I still have to do my community service, starting tomorrow morning, actually. I'll spend the rest of the year and some chipping away at those 480 hours, so I won't have all the time (or energy) in the world to write
          	Also Lexi bit me so I've been sick for a couple days now, so the energy comes and goes
          	Long story short, I've been busy as hell and will continue to be, but I'll try to update books here and there for you
          	What books? Honestly? Depends on the mood. Some are way easier to write than others 
          	That's all. Until next time!


Also, an explanation is due. I know it's been a bit since my last public appearance
          First off, I graduated college! Easily the most grueling experience I've had, for reasons I cannot tell you, but it's another battle won...kinda
          I still have to do my community service, starting tomorrow morning, actually. I'll spend the rest of the year and some chipping away at those 480 hours, so I won't have all the time (or energy) in the world to write
          Also Lexi bit me so I've been sick for a couple days now, so the energy comes and goes
          Long story short, I've been busy as hell and will continue to be, but I'll try to update books here and there for you
          What books? Honestly? Depends on the mood. Some are way easier to write than others 
          That's all. Until next time!






this message may be offensive
For those asking, Alice is undergoing some significant rewrites.
          I recently read the design bible for the scrapped sequel (fuck you EA). I thought I could squeeze in a couple more chapters to include it and make a satisfactory finale but it's proven too big a task.
          That leaves me wondering if I should make another one for the third game, although it would be significantly shorter since it sadly didn't make it past the concept stage 


Maybe make more about The Caretaker/ Y/N


To make it longer


You could use the concept from the Disney movies and Disney universe


Will you make a continuation of your Arcane story when season 2 comes out?


@CarlisleLucas after what happened in your story, that would be cruel to end it right there on an cliffhanger


@ CarlisleLucas  maybe


These works are some of the best I’ve seen on this site. I was wondering if you could make more one shots in the dc girls smut, specifically x male reader. If you have time of course. Thank you and keep writing, you have a gift.


Hi! I'm sorry to bother you but I couldn't find another way to message you due to the messages being turned off but I wanted to ask a question! I'm writing an Arcane Story but it's more of a Jinx x Male Oc type story but I was wondering if I could use your story "Oh, The misery" as slight inspiration for my book! Of course I'd credit you and the parts I wanted to use as inspiration was my oc is also the son of Vander and similar to Y/N and K there is a slight side story with another oc of mine in the story inspired by Y/N and K so that's why I wanted to ask! Of course Credit will be given to you but I wanted to ask permission before I start writing since this will be one of my first real stories I actually resume with thank you for reading :)


@ Bellatrix_rogers  Why thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. The best of luck in your story!


@Necessary_Chaos Oh my god thank you so much! I also loved the book so much it was a really good book I haven't read a GOOD GOOD book like that in a while! You have pure talent I really wanted to say that and Thank you so much again :)


Aight, final offer
          Three back-to-back chapters for Vi's book (you will regret it)
          or Alice like we agreed
          Choose wilsely