
FINALLLLLYYYYYY, the first chapter for part 2 of my YA romance, WANTED: A BOYFRIEND WHO DOESN'T SUCK is now posted! Can't wait to share my relationship with the "hot rocker" with you all. It was the most complex and intense relationship I'd ever been in; sweet, but at times scary and confusing. Are you ready to know the Dark Angel?


FINALLLLLYYYYYY, the first chapter for part 2 of my YA romance, WANTED: A BOYFRIEND WHO DOESN'T SUCK is now posted! Can't wait to share my relationship with the "hot rocker" with you all. It was the most complex and intense relationship I'd ever been in; sweet, but at times scary and confusing. Are you ready to know the Dark Angel?


Happy Thursday! Fact: Hot guys aren’t always confident. Ladies, have you ever dated a guy who you knew deep down was insecure? What do you think caused his insecurity? 
          On this topic, here's a moment from chapter 11 of WANTED: A Boyfriend Who Doesn't Suck:
          Keeping my face toward the window, I checked him out. He wore a serious demeanor and his silence only worsened my assumptions that something more was going on in his heart. When I sat across from him years ago in his recreation building and he basically told me he was a bad boy, he didn't exude sensitivity. The only thing he spilled was calm confidence. But this reaction—and what he showed at Marilyn's—exposed a much more tender heart, beating with insecurity...
          Have you been reading it? What are your thoughts on it so far? Xoxo! -Natasha


I just posted chapter 3 of my New Adult Urban Fantasy, Blood Thieves! There's been a minor tweak, they're meeting at a church now rather than City Hall. I'm excited for what's taking place in the story, and the introduction of a few new characters, one in particular . Feel free to comment and vote if you're diggin' it!