
Do people even still use this app ‍♀️?..


more than you think 


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          I have decided to just fuck what everyone eles might think and I'm gonna start yet another mint choco x clover fanfict (for the third fucking time-)bc even though it's been months since I did anything with them I'm still absolutely obsessed with them 
          I'm gonna really plan this one out though a big issue with all my other mintclover books was that thier always had to be a problem after problem without them ever having a rest and adding unnecessary stuff into the story as well as making the relationship move way too fast ( like making them have sex on chapter fucking 7) 
          So "improvements" are gonna be this 
          - Blueberry is out of the picture she ain't gonna start anymore unnecessary drama
          - White Lilly is homophobic instead of that lame "HeS nOt RoYaLtY" excuse and she's gonna be a lot more patients instead of just blowing up on clover randomly
          - Clovers gonna have an actual healthy relationship with his family despite all the issues with his mom bc I noticed in my last books clover just completely disconnects himself from his family for invalid reasons
          - I'm gonna try my best to keep the cookies in character and not make any headcanons that are just completely unrealistic for the characters
          (I'm still gonna have cookies who I think look like family headcanons tho but I'm gonna try to make it make sense as much as I can)
          - And finally
          I'm gonna stop giving so many God damn traumatizing headcanons especially for mint I have him such a tragic backstory that the book started to get involved with that more than the actual romance
          So uh yeah that's all I wanted to sat I doubt any of you are even still here but uh yeah I hope at least one of you will want to stick around for this new and improved mintclover book
          So uh if you have any questions let me know
          K bye
          (Holly shit this was a lot-)


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          A follow up on my last two posts 
          I wanna make a new crk fanfict but I have basically no idea what to do I don't wanna do one of my rare pairs bc idk I feel like ppl would just slander me because I don't ship mintcocoa :Sobsob:
          I'll go back to writing the crk oneshot book untill I figure out what crk story I should right (that book has 5k reads now holly shit-)
          Also the my hero academia fanfict should be out either later today or tomorrow I doubt any of you would care about that but hey it exists if you wanna read it
          Ok thats all 
          Uh bye sorry for being an indecisive piece of shit


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Alright so
          Some ppl say they miss my writing 
          Idk what's so special about it tbh I mainly just end up ruining the characters and make a whole bunch of unnecessary shit 
          So uh ig I'll come back
          Just don't expect me to write all that much I still hate my work 
          I don't have any ideas for any new crk fanficts but I'm sure I'll think of something and I'll update you all soon 
          Mkay byeeee
          Love you