
Hey Guys/Gals sorry  I'm taking so long to start the DekuVerse/Story Ideas I've got a lot on my plate to do but don't worry I promise I'll start
          	 Also if any of you are willing to help me with this just say it would be greatly appreciated ( ゚ヮ゚)


@Narzo17 hmm... I mean... the only joke thing I've done was probably a meme chapter... so that's probably the most I can do in terms of helping then sorry 


@1jhonyx Well see as it's a DekuVerse my self inserts will or might be limited to explaining the worlds, pointing out a few things while they watch, some fun skits among other things but for now I'm just trying to get a good start, I want to have joke and funny references but I'm not good in that area of expertise 


@Narzo17 ok ok... hmmm... well, introduction, if it's a self insert, then the best way, is to probably just have them pop in, exert dominance, and explain your goal... I think- first world, I think would be best for being like the first episode or two of actual mha, to get to know Midoriya more and show how bad of a person Katsuki is... if that is your goal. Next up... I mean... it gets complicated on your goal in it, where do you really want it to go?


Hey thanks for the follow!
          Consider this your official welcome into the VGNU!
          (Which is, Video Game Novel Universe)
          I've got plenty of game novelizations to go around, and you can check out my friends @Yoshistar_Writes and @SentientPaintCan who write stuff of a similar vain!
          You also seem to be new to Wattpad, so be wary of spam bots, they're everywhere.
          Either way I hope you enjoy your time here, and the plethora of stories available!


Hey Guys/Gals sorry  I'm taking so long to start the DekuVerse/Story Ideas I've got a lot on my plate to do but don't worry I promise I'll start
           Also if any of you are willing to help me with this just say it would be greatly appreciated ( ゚ヮ゚)


@Narzo17 hmm... I mean... the only joke thing I've done was probably a meme chapter... so that's probably the most I can do in terms of helping then sorry 


@1jhonyx Well see as it's a DekuVerse my self inserts will or might be limited to explaining the worlds, pointing out a few things while they watch, some fun skits among other things but for now I'm just trying to get a good start, I want to have joke and funny references but I'm not good in that area of expertise 


@Narzo17 ok ok... hmmm... well, introduction, if it's a self insert, then the best way, is to probably just have them pop in, exert dominance, and explain your goal... I think- first world, I think would be best for being like the first episode or two of actual mha, to get to know Midoriya more and show how bad of a person Katsuki is... if that is your goal. Next up... I mean... it gets complicated on your goal in it, where do you really want it to go?


Do уou promote уour books on Neobook ? 


@atalinestanzv6kw9 Just opened an account in Neobook what's your name plz (~˘▾˘)~


          I've been getting a big wave of inspiration lately, so I was thinking of making some stories starting with a DekuVerse/Story ideas and was wondering if you guys have any ideas you wanna see I'll put the ones I have in as well if you guys think I have a chance at making some?
          Honest opinions please and note this is my first time doing stories that aren't schoolwork related


HEY!!! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
          I was thinking ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ who would win between:
          Soul Calibur 4 Boss( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =Ε▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一
          Fate/stay night ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=Ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
          Gilgamesh (Archer):
          Who ya'll think would? ( ゚ヮ゚)


Hi !!


@Idareyoutofollowme sorry for late reply I'm good  you?