
this message may be offensive
(Pt.2, it was to long lol) When one of my stories actually did begin to gain traction, I was already in an unmotivated state, and made false promises of updates, that would never happen, and when they did, were horrible. Yet for some reason, people still read it. Over time, I got really embarassed about my older stuff, and wrote some new stuff (that I'm still very proud of), in order to hopefully get people to stop reading my old shit. That failed. The more I write, the more it sounds like I'm trying to make people feel bad for reading my RusCan story, so let me cut to the chase. Im hereby ceasing all updates on every story here. I may make edits on my other account to the two stories I'm proud of, but as for the fanfics here, theyre finished. I won't take them down however, just because I know people still want to read then. Im to lazy to edit them, so this is my formal apology for the shit I've pushed out to anyone who read any of my stories. Thanks for the 4 years of letting my vent and shit. Goodbye :')


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(Pt.2, it was to long lol) When one of my stories actually did begin to gain traction, I was already in an unmotivated state, and made false promises of updates, that would never happen, and when they did, were horrible. Yet for some reason, people still read it. Over time, I got really embarassed about my older stuff, and wrote some new stuff (that I'm still very proud of), in order to hopefully get people to stop reading my old shit. That failed. The more I write, the more it sounds like I'm trying to make people feel bad for reading my RusCan story, so let me cut to the chase. Im hereby ceasing all updates on every story here. I may make edits on my other account to the two stories I'm proud of, but as for the fanfics here, theyre finished. I won't take them down however, just because I know people still want to read then. Im to lazy to edit them, so this is my formal apology for the shit I've pushed out to anyone who read any of my stories. Thanks for the 4 years of letting my vent and shit. Goodbye :')


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'Sup litterally nobody. When i first made this account four years ago, I had over-ambitious hopes of becoming an amazing author, and having people like the shit I wrote. I started out really strong, updating my shitty ass stories frequently, and mainly appealing to my friends (who at the time were my only readers). With them cheering me on irl, I took on what at the time I considered "bigger projects" (i was a giant fucking weeb alright?). I basically hyped myself up knowing my friends liked it, and automatically assumed that meant everyone ever in the history of the world would. The love of my glorious fanfic would rain down from the heavens, and God himself would bless my depictions of the interactions I flawlessly wrote between the characters. Trust me, the result was sooooo much different. When I didn't automatically receive the love and admiration I had anticipated, I fell into an actual slump. I was 10. Granted, I had a lot of other stuff going on, but I seriously let myself become overwhelmed and depressed because no one liked my fanfiction. I would update at 12 AM, knowing that my best writing is done when I'm sleep deprived, hoping to attract more readers. Yes, I litterally sleep deprived myself for views. So now, at 10-11 years old, I was so caught up in needing validation from people of whom I didn't know, I litterally shoved myself into depression. Which, sounds very, very unbelieveable, I know, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. 


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so ive been playing Ultra Sun and I remembered the whole Red and Blue thing towards the end and how gAY they are and I got to thinking up shit and remembered Pokémon Origins. I started shipping them after watching that, and honestly my own little headcannon is that even after if being 20+ years since it happened Blue still has trouble doing shit since his Blastoise fell on top of him, so he can't do everything perfectly and Red's just kinda like "i am tol bean to the rescue"..
          why am i like this aaa


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Hi guys! Its been... a while. This is gonna seem abrupt, but I feel like it's time I start taking myself slightly more seriously as an author. 
          So, here goes. 
          I'm... moving accounts. NOT ENTIRELY!! I feel as though my actual works that I put lots of effort into should be showcased in their own light. 
          Not that I haven't worked hard on my fanfiction over the years, it's just I'm ready to move onto bigger better things. I'll still write goofy, overly lovey fanfic here, but all my serious stories, such as "Mars" and a few others will be moved to an account called @Krinklez . 
          I'm excited for what I can accomplish on a clean slate. You don't have to follow me to this new account, but if you want more serious stuff out of me, go follow that account. It'' be a while before anything is actually up on there though, as I'm going to write the ENTIRE story before posting the chapters one by one over time. I'll update more frequently here, so stay tuned for that.
          On the other hand, huge shout out to my friend @corncake2003 for her support and help. She's going to be helping me a lot so I'll stay motivated and actually get shit done.
          So thank you guys for all the support over the years. I joined in October 2014, and I'm still here today. It's been so great writing for you guys, and I hope you'll enjoy the new stuff on the new account.


Hi guys! So i decided that I'm going to take a break from my stories, and write a new one. Im taking 2-3 months to write a story in full (it'll be my first complete story hehe). So I hope you'll like it.
          Thanks! Love y'all!!!


@cecegirl1a lmao. I got Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw but you just gotta go with your heart. I firmly believe that I belong in Hufflepuff, and since there really isnt an entirely accurate way tell, thats what counts to me :D