
I hate romance. 


@ForestGuard13 Because its indecisiveness hurts >: 


Singapore? Awesome! Though, it's so far away... :)


I want to go outside but all my friends are either bankrupt or overseas D: I have so much to do on Wattpad but my eyesight is slowly getting worse. I miss schoooooooooooooooool. Someone save me >< 


Just realized I replied to myself XD @FrostPhoenix13


@NarcissisticCactus One of them is bankrupt but the rest of them just aren't given allowance so they can't go outside haha. But the bankrupt one is living at another friend's house for a moment while her parents are trying to fix some stuff :P


Hey guys! I think I've completed most of the critiques but I'm afraid there are some that I've missed out on some that I am not aware of. There was also trouble with my internet so I'm afraid that a few of my critiques may not have loaded. Please pm me if I have not finished your critiques!


For all of you who have asked for critiques from, I promise I will get it done before prom tomorrow :) I'm sorry for the delay for anyone of you who have asked from me a long time ago but my arms have been hurting a lot for some reason and the pain's making it hard to even move around... Anyways, I hope you understand and truly sorry again for the inconvenience.