
Hi guys I know it's been long time since I posted any chapters. But it's been really tough to write anything because of the unfinished syllabus and several projects from uni still are pending. My internal exams are coming soon and I can't even imagine not giving that my all. So I'm prioritising this at this moment. So you guys have to wait a little while I finished with everything. Now on the good part I'm going to upload several chapters when I'm back. Till then please wait a bit and stay safe ☺️


@NamjoonEnthusiast01 I thought you won't come back 
          	  Now this announcement makes me feel good. Please complete your book it's such a masterpiece. I won't be at peace if I don't read more of this book. I can wait months and years but definitely want more of this book.  
          	  All the best wishes to you, stay strong and healthy and come back soon 


@35353h almost the end of  September. Wait a little while please:)


Hi guys I know it's been long time since I posted any chapters. But it's been really tough to write anything because of the unfinished syllabus and several projects from uni still are pending. My internal exams are coming soon and I can't even imagine not giving that my all. So I'm prioritising this at this moment. So you guys have to wait a little while I finished with everything. Now on the good part I'm going to upload several chapters when I'm back. Till then please wait a bit and stay safe ☺️


@NamjoonEnthusiast01 I thought you won't come back 
            Now this announcement makes me feel good. Please complete your book it's such a masterpiece. I won't be at peace if I don't read more of this book. I can wait months and years but definitely want more of this book.  
            All the best wishes to you, stay strong and healthy and come back soon 


@35353h almost the end of  September. Wait a little while please:)