
Remember guys it's okay to steal AI OCs <3
          	They have no copyright 


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Nah Dream is weird as fuck the fact that he held onto that video says a lot about him. Yeah, what Nick said and did is horrible but the dude was drunk, high, and in the middle of a manic episode. It's not an excuse but it's an explanation. Also, people forgot that Nick posted a public apology, and even apparently gave the driver a huge tip and apologized. 
          That says a lot 


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Like he isn't innocent in this situation the only victim is that poor driver but gosh Dream is just taking this too far posting that video is such a shit thing to do 


This is a link to protests around the world to support Palestine and demand a ceasefire I would recommend checking it out especially if you want to go to a protest it's regularly updated too 

            This is a list of companies that support Israel I don't know if they are all accurate but still I would check it out 

          I'm just here to say that what's happening in Gaza is absolutely terrifying, and it needs to stop. This war is taking so many lives. The Israel government needs to ceasefire. They've been attacking Palestine for years and it's horrible. That being said I do not see the people of Israel as guilty for what their government is doing. If you live in Palestine or Israel I hope for your safety. Please help stop this war by spreading awareness. 
          I also must add that I do not support Hamas they have also done horrible things that I cannot stand with. 
          Free Palestine
          I hope anyone that reads this clicks the link and signs the petition. It might not be much but it still helps make a difference. 


Anyone wanna do a teen wolf or marauders roleplay? 


@NakedMoleRatlov3r I'll do a marauders one


@NakedMoleRatlov3r  I'm down for teen wolf