
Well here we are my faithful followers. is up and running. There are teaser chapters available for "Kitchen" posted as well. You may not see much difference in the first few chapters - save the names). I do feel the editing of the final print version is MUCH better than the one here, but I poured a lot of time and effort into it (truth be told, I'm still in the final stretch of editing) 
          	I am now at the "Need to save monies to pay for the printing" part of the game, but we're getting there


@Ladyzgolla Sadly I cannot add a review box to the page at this time. RIP me. I'm sorry. if you want to send me a review I can add it to the page tho.


@Ladyzsgolla oh!! I should fix that!! Thank you for telling me! 


@NaiyaBladesinger i mean no, but ill take the kofi anyway, i meant that i cant leave a review on ya website.


Well here we are my faithful followers. is up and running. There are teaser chapters available for "Kitchen" posted as well. You may not see much difference in the first few chapters - save the names). I do feel the editing of the final print version is MUCH better than the one here, but I poured a lot of time and effort into it (truth be told, I'm still in the final stretch of editing) 
          I am now at the "Need to save monies to pay for the printing" part of the game, but we're getting there


@Ladyzgolla Sadly I cannot add a review box to the page at this time. RIP me. I'm sorry. if you want to send me a review I can add it to the page tho.


@Ladyzsgolla oh!! I should fix that!! Thank you for telling me! 


@NaiyaBladesinger i mean no, but ill take the kofi anyway, i meant that i cant leave a review on ya website.


Here we are again dear friends, and boy do I have news, 
          I am VERY happy to say I have sent the print proof off to the publisher I want to use and I am waiting to get it back in my hot little hands to see if I like their work. If I do, it's just a matter of saving up to do the self publish thing. 
          Some words of warning about the final product. It is SIGNIFICANTLY different from what is here on Wattpad so if you are absolutely attached to what you have read here and do not want any changes, I will miss you, but don't read the book. 
          Some of the changes include:
          - Name changes for the entire crew to address some appropriation concerns
          - Gender changes for two of the crew (Kenshin & Kosa are female in the print version of the book. it changes nothing about the tale)
          - Lots of additional things - poly negotiations, explicit discussions about two people liking the same person and what that means
          - Explicit statements of relationships between cast members (Look guys, this is an LGBTQIA+ supportive book. My cast members have relationships with one another)
          The heart of the story doesn't change. The heart of the story is as it always was. But this is completely mine and I'm in love with it. If you'd like to know when the book is available, let me know.


@NaiyaBladesinger ❤ best wishes and hopes, lovely wordsmith!! I absolutely want to get my trash panda hands on your work. Of course, I'll still reread this version because why not? But I'm so eager to see the physical copy of your genius in my hands.


Few things: 
          - My contract with the tax place ended a little early. Yea for having my evenings back!! 
          - I start a new job next Monday that is working from home. Yea no more 4 hour round trip commute!!
          - there is a GOOD CHANCE this is the last version of the story that will have these names. A question was asked about appropriation and cultural insensitivity and it's a valid discussion to have. The characters have evolved from where they started. Masa will always be Masa (eyepatch, incorrigible, troublemaking self) whether his name is Masamune or Malakai (which I will say, I really like)
          I'm not certain where this will go but it's a valid conversation that we're having. I **DO** plan on publishing and my goal is to self publish this book with it's final polish (which I'm doing while I'm posting here) this summer. 
          That self-published book will have the final (official) names of the characters moving forward as well as a few thousand more words and some additional polish to bring it up to professional quality. When all is said and done, my goal is to make it look like one of the big names published the book. 
          If you want to be notified when it's done, let me know and I'll keep you informed. My goal is to make enough from the first book to publish the second. 
          We can all dream :)


@NaiyaBladesinger Yes! Me! Memememememe!!!! I so absolutely want to be notified so I can get my trash panda hands on your work!


I dont' even know what day it is. Sorry but life is just a whirlwind right now and I am just trying to keep my head above water. Things will slow down after the 16th. Then I'll be back on some sort of schedule. I SWEAR. Have a chapter for dealing with me


yall are the best. my days are 8am-9pm until 4/15. writing is VERY slow right now but I am looking forward to being able to finish this. After some discussion and feedback, it looks like I will be *officially* publishing this one. 
            so if you want your very own autographed copy of the book, lemmie know :D I will keep you informed when I do the thing!


@NaiyaBladesinger whst Marie said!! Self-care is important too, so don't neglect that while doing everything else!


@NaiyaBladesinger Always happy to read your stuff whenever it comes in. Take care of you and yours; we'll be here. ☺


Did you know there are ELEVEN novels in the Limboverse? how many do you know of?


Yup. Eleven total. (so far)
            - The Kitchen is Always Open
            - The Angel's Fall
            - The Battle for Limbo
            - I'm No Angel (working title, May change, Elohim's Story)
            - Nephilim's Folly
            - The Princess Returns (Guess Who's Story This is)
            - The Pact (The laws binding them all and the formation of The Pride)
            - The Complete Traveler's Guide to the Planes 
            - Rise of the Lord of Hel (Enki's Story)
            - Across Enemy Lines (Nobu and Hideyoshi's Story)
            - Order Amidst Chaos (Malcanthet's Story)


@NaiyaBladesinger 11???????? Oh, I feel dizzy and need to sit down before I pass out at the sheer amount of awesome there must be that I haven't read.


????? What happened to the kitchen is always open? I went for (another) reread and now i can't find it? It's not going to stay gone, is it?  I really loved that fic/series!


Well, I'm glad you didn't wake anyone up :D but I'm also glad to give you something to read :D lots of changes including a whole new first chapter. and an even more deplorable villain. (he waters down his scotch *gasp*)


@NaiyaBladesinger i had to muffle my screaming into a pillow when I saw the notification on my phone (too early here for enthusiastic screaming over quality reading material)


@TiffanyDean4  GUESS WHAT IS BACK! I hope you like the edits! this one is here to stay


Ask the OC's a question!
          So kitchen is done and soon(tm) all chapters will be posted do you want to know a little bit more about the OC's? Are you curious about their take on events? Want them to answer a rando question of randoness? This is your chance! The inbox is open.
          Drop a character and a question in my inbox and they will answer. Drop a question only for me to pick whomever feels like answering that question.
          OC's taking asks:
          Dakkan (Lord of Limbo)
          Enki (Lord of Hel)
          Malkenthet (Queen of the Abyss)
          Elohim (King of Heaven)
          Orion (Archangel of Purification and Protection)
          Aerion (Principality and Orion's sister)
          Eylon (Orion Principality)
          Michael (Archangel and Orion's brother)
          Uriel (Archangel)