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Its 9pm and my friend who's high just rolled down the hill and now He's crying over a cracked rock, its so fucking funny


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Another funny thing is that i tricked him into licking dog shit.....he's going to be so fucking sick tomorrow heheheh


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Its 9pm and my friend who's high just rolled down the hill and now He's crying over a cracked rock, its so fucking funny


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Another funny thing is that i tricked him into licking dog shit.....he's going to be so fucking sick tomorrow heheheh


What's up?


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@NEWRawing4u haha fucking funny bloke I hear 


            Sorry for the late reply


            Not much just chilling on a hill with one of my friends whos getting high....again while im on wattpad, what about you?


A song i made called 
          Do you want to go to wonderland?
          They say that I'm crazy, but trust me wonderland is real all you need is a bottle of water and do a .O.D. Then you will be able to join me and my friends in wonderland, we welcome others with open arms and treat you like family, but there is one thing you cant  do and it is that you cant never ever  leave wonderland ever again or you will turn out like our dear alice did, locked away from us and get tested on but don't worry he will take her and bring back our dear alice, 
          So remember what we told you..........
          All you need is a bottle of water and do a .O.D. on medicine (pills) now my dear child take the pills, put them in your mouth and then drink the water make sure you swallow the pills too if you want to go to wooonnnnnndddddeeeerrrrrrrllllaaaannnndddddd......


Copyright NEWRawing4U
            I own this song bros & bras


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Mental note: hang out with someone who's high its funny as fuck,
          When one of my friends was high, he thought he was in a video game so he rang around my hangout spot and he lost his phone on the way back to his house (it was near sunrise when we left my hangout)...............that was four weeks ago......just founded his phone in a bush in the old half built house i hang out at to drink..................


Its true……….........