Hi everyone!
          	I’m not sure why I’ve gained followers in the time I’ve been away, but I’d like to thank my followers both old and new for (still) following this very dead account :)
          	It’s been literally YEARS since the last time I’ve been on Wattpad and gosh, things have changed a lot. I’ve changed a lot too. Heaps of stuff has happened in the past few years, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I sat down and wrote something because I actually wanted to.
          	So maybe that’s why I’m here now, after spending far too long trying different password combinations to log in. Maybe I should write something again. Maybe I’ll publish it and not get a single reader. Maybe I won’t be satisfied by what I’ve written, and I’ll end up locking the story right after clicking ‘publish’. Maybe it won’t even get published and just stay in my drafts folder.
          	There’s a lot of maybes. Maybe I should make that first step. Write that first word. A sentence. A paragraph. A whole page. I’ve had so many ideas spring into my head over the years, and I’ve jotted some down in my notes, but I never put anything to paper. And maybe it’s time to start fleshing out those ideas. I’m at a point in life where I want to take things slow and figure some stuff out, so maybe I’ll start writing again.
          	I’m not sure what message I’m trying to get across in this status update (announcement?). I want to thank all my followers for, well, being my followers.  And I want to write again. That’s kind of it, really.
          	Starting over is so exciting, and I’m hoping this will be an exciting journey for both you and me :)


Hi everyone!
          I’m not sure why I’ve gained followers in the time I’ve been away, but I’d like to thank my followers both old and new for (still) following this very dead account :)
          It’s been literally YEARS since the last time I’ve been on Wattpad and gosh, things have changed a lot. I’ve changed a lot too. Heaps of stuff has happened in the past few years, and I honestly can’t remember the last time I sat down and wrote something because I actually wanted to.
          So maybe that’s why I’m here now, after spending far too long trying different password combinations to log in. Maybe I should write something again. Maybe I’ll publish it and not get a single reader. Maybe I won’t be satisfied by what I’ve written, and I’ll end up locking the story right after clicking ‘publish’. Maybe it won’t even get published and just stay in my drafts folder.
          There’s a lot of maybes. Maybe I should make that first step. Write that first word. A sentence. A paragraph. A whole page. I’ve had so many ideas spring into my head over the years, and I’ve jotted some down in my notes, but I never put anything to paper. And maybe it’s time to start fleshing out those ideas. I’m at a point in life where I want to take things slow and figure some stuff out, so maybe I’ll start writing again.
          I’m not sure what message I’m trying to get across in this status update (announcement?). I want to thank all my followers for, well, being my followers.  And I want to write again. That’s kind of it, really.
          Starting over is so exciting, and I’m hoping this will be an exciting journey for both you and me :)