
@Kitty54Kat If you want to hear my side of the Story, I can enlighten you! I saw this dragon and could see, not only the injuries on his body, but also the one beneath. At first, I was afraid to approach him, but it was like we were destined to meet, and I found a reason to do so! Everything after felt naturally, and I started to learn a lot from him, just like he, probably, learned from me! Despite our difference in appearance etc. I noticed we are like one side of the same coin! So naturally I started to see him as a rival, to improve myself! Because I believe a healthy rivalry is not about the pettiness of being better than the other, but having someone who constantly keeps you to push further in order to stay the best version you can!


@Kitty54Kat 500 years ago a war started between multiple planets across the galaxy. My kind the mighty dragons sought to rule all of the cosmos and burned any and all civilizations that dared to challenge our authority. Eventually they did it, the galaxy was theirs and each of the six planets held a different clan of dragon, unfortunately that wasn't enough, our leaders wanted more. Each clan would send a warrior out into space to search and conquer neighboring galaxies, I was barely a hatchling when my clan's leader chose to send me here, to Earth. My mother came with me but the creature's of this planet weren't welcoming and she died to keep me safe. I was young, alone, sad, and without guidance, I grew to hate this planet and everything on it. I secluded myself to caves and forest because I wasn't strong enough to conquer anything by myself. I let my bitterness fester and my anger fueled me until one day while I was training I'd severely injured myself. You can call it dumb luck or sloppy form, or maybe even karma but I was slowly nearing death, that is until one person helped me. A hedgehog that had found me and visited me daily to check up on me. At first I treated her like any other and ignored her, but her persistence and genuine kindness touched me in a way I hadn't felt since before coming to this planet. Over time I got to know her and she told me of the beauty in this world, the beauty in life itself, she didn't just help me with my injuries, she helped me find a purpose. My kind ages much slower than the life here so for her it might've been years but for me it was almost like we'd just met and before I knew it she was grown by her people's standards and she had great power and even more potential. That hedgehog is Aquaredgrave, our rivalry stems from her wanting to prove herself to the world but I want to prove that I can be the dragon she wants me to be. She hasn't beaten me in battle but she never ceases to surprise me.


@Kitty54Kat It's a long story going back to a war centuries old and long forgotten by humankind. In order to give you the full picture I'd need to go back to the beginning, so if you are prepared and willing to open your mind and heart I will tell you everything to answer the question.