
Happy weekend everyone! Chapter 11 is out a little later this week. It was a difficult chapter for me to write this chapter. I was working with material I'd written months ago but needed to heavily revise due to changes in the story. I hope it's enjoyable and doesn't come across to you all like the frankenstein of a chapter that it felt like to me while writing it. If that makes sense? 
          	Anyway! Part 2 will be all new material so I am looking forward to writing that next week!


Happy weekend everyone! Chapter 11 is out a little later this week. It was a difficult chapter for me to write this chapter. I was working with material I'd written months ago but needed to heavily revise due to changes in the story. I hope it's enjoyable and doesn't come across to you all like the frankenstein of a chapter that it felt like to me while writing it. If that makes sense? 
          Anyway! Part 2 will be all new material so I am looking forward to writing that next week!


Hello everyone! Yesterday I posted Chapter 9 of The Midwife and the Marquess. Some cliffhanger huh? Well, I too was desperate to see what happens next and ended up writing Chapter 10 late into last night. Guess what! It's done! 
          Now I am left wondering, should I keep Chapter 10 for my usual mid-week release next week, or release it as a "double feature" today? 
          Chapter 11 is also mostly written  
          Let me know what you think 


@ zeen2805  It's looking like Chapter 10 will be out sooner than later 


@MysteryTheMother well you know where my vote is! 


Thanks for adding my story 'Safe Place' to your reading list! Any feedback, comments, and/or reviews are appreciated, and hope you enjoy the story of Gabe and Jess as it unfolds! Stay tuned this fall for the first novella, 'First Night'


@MysteryTheMother OMG, Hi!! I was wondering how you knew Rebel and Ace! 


@ DaniBrown82  Sure thing! By the way it's me bexiehexie from SH ☺️


Hello folks! I updated the description for The Midwife and the Marquess to include a blurb, as I have a better understanding of how I want the story to go now. 
          I also included a content warning list, so please make sure to check that out if need be.
          That's all for now!