
Hi, thanks so much for the follow. I really appreciate it. I hope you don't mind me doing this, but please do check out my books! How It Ends is currently ongoing, When The Tigers Come and Cat and Mouse are waiting for further updates. I don't know when these will be. 
          Thank you again, and feel free to delete this message if you don't want my books on your feed!


Thanks for the follow! :)))


@Myshka_Barton18  oh there is no problem, i mean it was also a lil excuse to know how you are, but nice to read of you ♡


@WinterGhost20 Hi, Winter! I'm sorry I haven't been online too often, and I'm not online much on WP nowadays, so it'd be unfair to you if I took you up on that. I'm sorry, I'm sure yours is great already! 


@Myshka_Barton18  hey how are you? Well remembered your desc and i was wondering if you want to be my critic again on a new story i posted- i mean if you have time ofc