
this message may be offensive
I fucking hate this shit 


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So, my therapist told me that she refuses to see me now because I started yelling during our session. This whole time I thought she was trying to HELP me. I was so WRONG! I stood up for a second, she wasn't even writing down ANYTHING that I was telling her... she was drawing fucking STUCK FIGURES! I've been paying to talk to someone who DIDN'T even CARE about  a single fucking thing I was telling her! She always told me I was pretending to be depressed for ATTENTION! I HATE having  depression, and I HATE having to tell a RANDOM  fucking  person MY problems! I might as well have gone to a child and told them my problems. At least kids have MORE re than that excuse for a "therapist" 


I will NEVER understand the purpose of love. How two people can trust each other so easily but not know each others deepest darkest secrets. Even when they THINK they do. And when they find out they leave you there ALONE In the dark where you were before. Because, they can't understand why you've kept this certain thing a secret. They don't understand how much it hurts to keep hiding this secret from EVERYONE. 
          So as Soutv Park Goth kids said, "who needs that Ken and Barbie love anyways?"
          And everyone can think differently; all I'm saying is there's really no point in  "falling in love" all you do is emotionally kill yourself when it's over. 


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@Dangerous_Medication the is the first time I've gone in years to be honest. I'm usually busy taking care of things around the house. Since I dropped out I have to take care of things around the house while my mom and sisters are out and have dinner ready when they get back. So, I usually just say I'm sick or some shit but, we have a friend staying with us so now I can go to therapy. I honestly don't want to though. I can't stand  my therapist. All he does is judge me. So I'll probably ditch and go take care af my grandma. I've got other ways to help with  my anxiety and depression. My mom may not like it but it helps.


@Myserion_2016 Welp at least you go to a therapist my parents are so blind to the fact that I'm not okay that they won't take me to a psycoligist even though I need to go to one. Also I felt what you said bcause it's how I felt about my crush that was manipulating me constantly.


@Dangerous_Medication Yeah. Told my therapist that a couple weeks ago, now I'm on more medication for my depression. 


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I swear my mom does EVERYTHING in her power to make me feel like shit! All of the sudden she comes up to me while I'm writing in my personal journal and starts yelling at me saying, "you were your daddies favourite. You were the princess. He loved you." First of all I'm sorry I was a baby! I didn't know he was hurting my mom and little brother. I couldn't really do anything! Second of all he didn't  fucking love me, he dropped me off at my grandma's house or at my auntie's house. THEY took care of me NOT him! And if my mom wants to complain to me about shit, I took  care of ALL of my siblings from the time I was six up until I was 12 years old because my mom had a drug problem. I dropped out of high school to take care of my grandma and to help around the house while my mom is at work all day. She calls me the fucking princess yet I'm doing the chores I'm a damn maid.


Well I'm glad I I took first aid before I dropped out of high school. One of my little sisters was having trouble breathing and I was able to get her to breathe again. The phone was acting up and wouldn't let me call anyone so I'm REALLY thankful I took first aid. 


I'm so annoyed and upset right now. Well I have been for awhile and if I weren't against the law I'd be murdering a lot of people right now. But I can't. And I'm too sick to even move even if I wanted to. I can't even stand up hardly anymore. I almost broke my neck falling down the stairs yesterday. 


@Myserion_2016 I just hate that I'm not allowed to take pain meds because it will interfere with my anxiety, depression and, seizure medication.


@Myserion_2016 yeah I got checked out. I'm epileptic. I got dizzy and had a seizure at the top of the stairs. It hurts to move but other than that I'm doing better. The doctors don't want me going out anywhere for awhile so I have to stay inside. But, I already do that so I don't mind.