
The World Is A Better Place With You In It Because You ARE Important. Your Life Is Important. #SuicideAwareness


Thank you for being so supportive of your family and friends.  Your an awesome friend, sister, daughter and granddaughter. Don't stop writing you have an important message to give. LVu


You are so sweet.  I will try another story.  Keep writing keep dreaming! Love You


            Awwwww thx! I think you should start writing again! Your an amazing writer and one of my role models. After all you are an amazing woman inside and out. Love you.  


Hello beautiful people! I hope you guys have had an amazing week so far and continue to have a great week. So, this week I'm going to do a poem instead of a quote because why not. 
          "Go easy on yourself. Ride into the burning sun and walk in the mouth of darkness with your head held up high. Because none of this is easy and none of it is supposed to be. Life is hard. Love is hard. People are hard.  And learning about yourself is too. So please, be kind to yourself. Your mind your body and soul. Be easy on yourself and take time on yourself. And remember, you don't have to please everyone and you don't have to change for anyone either. You just have to be okay with who you are, and know, that mistakes are bound to happen. You're not meant to be perfect and you have your whole life to realize how true it is."
          - r. m. drake
          This poem explains me and what I tell other people. You guys need to understand how special you are. I don't know if half of you need to get smacked to realize your perfect the way you are. I get that people say that a lot but it's true. I may not know you and you may not know me but I'll love you when you can't love yourself.
          Sorry if that was cheesy. :D
          Lots of Love,
          Mya Hebert


Thank you dear Mya for all the lovely comments and for the likes on my artbook ❤
          I'm so glad to have met such nice people over here on wattpad..and you being one of the bunch :)
          Love you soo much~


            Awww you just made my day. It's not everyday I meet a nice and great person like you! Have an amazing day! Thanks for being you!
            Lots of Love,
            Mya Hebert


I'm going to try something new. Every week I'm going to find a quote for you guys from me. 
          "Wherever you go, may people always recognize that you have a beautiful heart."~Unknown
          Feel free to tell me quotes you would like me to put here. Remember each and every one of you are beautiful inside and out. 
          Lots of Love,
          Mya Hebert


            Great thank you!
            Lots of Love,
            Mya Hebert


@MyaHebert "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift which is why they call it the present" ~Eleanor Roosevelt 
            I actually have a book on wattpad that is titled "Inspirational Quotes" if you want to check it out for ideas! :)


Please support these fellow writers! Comment, vote and read their stories! 
          Life Of The Water Molecule by Brayden Hebert
          My Personal Hero By Lucille J. Millett
          Ghostly House By Fourtris
          Potato. - A poem by potato by DatGeminiFreak
          All of my followers!
          Worth The Wait by  Lucille J. Millett (@showsteers99)
          The Girl Behind His Attitude by Call (@calltrix)
          The Fifth Element by  | WORD WARRIOR | (@word-warrior)
          The Dragon's Tale by @FireVoyager
          DIY Ideas By @NiracGnad
          Mackenzie by @lolawrites_
          Lost And Bitten by @Rainshine402
          Collins and Devan Key Short Stories/Imagines by @CupcakeMarshmellow12
          PLEASE SUPPORT!!!!!
          Lots of Love,
          Mya Hebert


@MyaHebert thank you so much Mya! I appreciate your shout out!