
Hello World!!
          	I haven’t been in here for so long. I have just recently got this feeling that I should write again. So in a few moments I will uploading the first chapter or two from a story I had been working on. I have gotten so much better at my writing and I would like to share that with you guys...... Soo just wait 


Hello World!!
          I haven’t been in here for so long. I have just recently got this feeling that I should write again. So in a few moments I will uploading the first chapter or two from a story I had been working on. I have gotten so much better at my writing and I would like to share that with you guys...... Soo just wait 


Soooo I Haven't been on here in a LOOONNNNGGG time but I want everyone to know that I'm good. I still have a passion for writing, But life has been so busy that I haven't even thought about finishing my stories. I wanna write better ones and make them good. Hopefully I can do that Welp love you all... Maybe since it's summer and I'm not super busy I can FINALLY Finish my stories or write new and better ones . -Diamine