
I’m trying my best to get back into the swing of thing’s and write more (I’ve got severe writer’s block). The only thing I’ve been able to write is poetry right now lol. I have not forgotten my account and stories here- I could and would never. I love writing too much to ever quit on here lol. However if anyone is interested in following my Tumblr, I’ve been posting my poetry there. Hopefully I can get back into the groove here soon but- until then, if anyone is interested in reading different thing’s I have to offer, I’m at mosquitos-are-stupid on Tumblr (I couldn’t think of a name, was camping and pissed off at mosquitoes, so… that username is as born lol). Anyways, I appreciate everyone’s patience! I just wanted to post and let you know I haven’t forgotten about writing here, and I’m planning on getting back into it soon (I hope)! Thank you <3


@bbrea- It honestly is!!! I haven’t had it this bad before!!! It’s crazy! 


@catesaussieburger hahaha thank you!!!  I hope so!!!! 


@simpforholytrinity Thank you for the tip! I’ll have to try that! Always here to try new methods!!! Let’s hope!! Lol. 


I’m trying my best to get back into the swing of thing’s and write more (I’ve got severe writer’s block). The only thing I’ve been able to write is poetry right now lol. I have not forgotten my account and stories here- I could and would never. I love writing too much to ever quit on here lol. However if anyone is interested in following my Tumblr, I’ve been posting my poetry there. Hopefully I can get back into the groove here soon but- until then, if anyone is interested in reading different thing’s I have to offer, I’m at mosquitos-are-stupid on Tumblr (I couldn’t think of a name, was camping and pissed off at mosquitoes, so… that username is as born lol). Anyways, I appreciate everyone’s patience! I just wanted to post and let you know I haven’t forgotten about writing here, and I’m planning on getting back into it soon (I hope)! Thank you <3


@bbrea- It honestly is!!! I haven’t had it this bad before!!! It’s crazy! 


@catesaussieburger hahaha thank you!!!  I hope so!!!! 


@simpforholytrinity Thank you for the tip! I’ll have to try that! Always here to try new methods!!! Let’s hope!! Lol. 


this message may be offensive
Billie Eilishs’ new album is making me feral. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?!? Lunch?!? I’m in shambles and screaming in full gay! Jesus!!! 


@MyFavoriteCloset LITERALLY IT IS SOO FREAKING GOOD LIKE OMG!!!! My fav is either The Diner or L'Amour De Ma Vie(Lunch is iconic tho)


for reaal i’ve listened to this album so many times already it’s making me feral too T-T


i haven’t listened to much but birds of of feather is so good !!!


Upon research, I found out that Ellen Ripley from Alien (the movie) was coded lesbian. In the screenplay, she was written as a man, who was in a relationship with Lambert. Nothing about her character changed in the movie, and it is implied (vaguely albeit) that she is in a relationship with Lambert. HOW DIDN’T I SEE THAT?!? Help. 


@MyFavoriteCloset no wonder I want her so bad


Hey everyone! I’ve decided to go outside my comfort zone a bit. I’m not sure if any of you guys are Read Dead Redemption fans or have played… but I’m writing a WLW fic about Sadie Adler. I for one, love the game and have been thinking about doing this for some time. 
          Let me know if any of you guys are interested! I’m hoping to start publishing soon! 
          Ps. I also have MANY new Cate fic’s I’m fiddling around with so…. Be prepared for new content in that department. I’m writing a few Cate centric one’s, I have a Brie Evantee one in the works, and a lot more concepts I’m toying with. So… yeah, just stick with me! You’ll have plenty of new Cate content soon as well!! 


I just read this quote from Cate Blanchett and I wanna cry… 
          “When I see daughters with their fathers I wonder what that would be like, although not in a way that immobilises me”.
          OUCH, my heart ❤️


@GaladrielsTiara I know!!!! It hurt my heart! Lol 


I didn't expect to cry today but here I am...


Showed my coworker (who is also gay) that clip of Cate saying “oh, you mean the gaze, not the gays” last week. I told her it lives rent free in my head. She has been saying it to me ever since (like 6 times a day at least) and admitted to me that it’s now a vocal stim for her. This is how it start’s. I’m bringing her over to the dark side lol 


I did almost the same same omg. I showed one of my classmates ( bissexual i think but def lgbt )  a compilation of cate saying she’s married and now every time i try to talk to her she just replies with “i’m married” and it kinda became a joke even tho she has no idea who cate is besides the pics and videos i show her


@MyFavoriteCloset the thing is just that i already live in a huge city, it’s just the people at my school that aren’t really open or anything, yk? they’re not really homophobic, but they also don’t really talk about it and that’s just annoying:( but i’m so glad i discovered wattpad, that kinda makes up for it haha


Posted part of my Carol/Abby fic! Hope everyone loves it! Let me know what you think! I’ll do my best to update as regularly as I can! Xoxo


@MyFavoriteCloset omg ofc!! that is so sweet i love that u are responding as well:)❤️❤️❤️


@catesaussieburger Thank you so much for reading and interacting. I loved ALL of the comments!!! Hahaha ❤️❤️


loved it (as u may have seen haha)


   Okay, I can’t conceal it any longer. I’m writing a new fic. It’s a “what if” sort of idea. What if Abby and Carol end up together? It’s got a twist to it though and it has a lot of new elements to it. I’m so excited to release it for you guys! I can hardly contain myself. I just love it so much already and I hope you do too. I’m planning to release it soon. I’m not sure when but it’ll be soon. 
             For those who don’t know, I hard core ship Abby and Carol. Cabby if you will (idk if they have an official ship name lol). I mean, I love Carol and Therese but Abby and Carol have SO much potential. So, I’m writing about it and just having fun! Hopefully I do it justice! I haven’t seen any Carol/Abby fics yet so new maybe??? Idk, you tell me! 
             I’m just so excited to release it and wanted to say something about it! Let me know what you guys think! 


@MyFavoriteCloset omg deffo reading! I've wanted to read cabby fics for a long time but I haven't found any I'm so excited!


yay a new book by you!! that’s an interesting thought btw, i was always more on the carol/therese side (just bc it’s the principal story), but u’re right, they did still have lots of chemistry:) excited to read the first chapters!!


@MyFavoriteCloset It sounds amazing, I can't wait!!