
Oh ya I forgot to post it on here but happy 2020! Hope you all have a prosperous new year and new decade!


hiya dear!
          I don't know if you remember me hahha but, I judged your book 'Sun Kissed' for the pantheon awards 2020 and I randomly remembered about it today because I had to leave off near the middle since, I got busy with life. I know you're on hiatus right now so, I'm just dropping in to say that for me to still remember your work shows that it truly was something and I'm really proud of your way with words. I hope that everything is well with you and that you get inspiration to create your craft soon! 
          lots of love, 
          ~ sylvia ✨


@ForgetMeNot-Myosotis no worries dear ❤❤❤


Aww thank you for your kind words. It feels nice to know that there's someone willing to support me. 


@ForgetMeNot-Myosotis aww, no worries dearie <3 I speak the truth ehehhe also, wattpad decided to be a *glitchpad* and not show your reply sooner so, I'm really sorry about the late response! ahh, I think that when I say this, I say this for everyone- it's been one hard year for pretty much everyone and it's important that we make sure we're okay so, I completely understand :)) If you ever do put it back up, I shall come running to read it eheheh. also, please do take care of yourself and take a break however small it is if you need to! hope your day/night goes well ;)


          Hello friend, I'm just a Wattpader like you. So I and The Coronation Community chose YOU to request that, can you take some time of yours and look into "The Coronation Award" at imagineTishaD 's profile ?
          If you would like to participate there with any superior Book of yours, I would have been very grateful to you.
          I ask you to Help us and our community to promote the Contest further. We need Participants and Judges for our Contest.
          General fiction ???
          If you want followers, then be a judge, I suggest.
          I would like your help too in our hour of need.


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed, Enthralled, Enchanted are available on Wattpad! ♡