
Hi everyone!
          	I know that I've been gone for awhile but I am back!! I have 16 drafts that I am trying to get done one at a time so keep your eyes open for something you might like. I most likely will also throw in the draft stories from my phone! I hope you all are doing good during these troubling days. 
          	Love Forever and Always More,
          	Kat <3


Hi everyone!
          I know that I've been gone for awhile but I am back!! I have 16 drafts that I am trying to get done one at a time so keep your eyes open for something you might like. I most likely will also throw in the draft stories from my phone! I hope you all are doing good during these troubling days. 
          Love Forever and Always More,
          Kat <3


Hey everybody!!
          I have nominated my book Let Me Go into the Watty's!! Please be sure to read and comment. I have finished it and there will be a sequel on the way!! I love you all and I wouldn't have been able to do this without you guys!!!


Yo, I'm writing a story that I'm really proud of and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to give it a read? It would mean a lot. Love you big sis


@differentkindofhuman saved it in my private reading list and read what you have so far. I really like it so far!


Hey guys! I am in the need of stories to read! I have a few in my library, but they're practically finished. I like werewolf and vampire stories and one direction. I am also wondering what stories of mine you guys are enjoying the most and which ones I shouldn't delete. Please lemme know and I will get to work so you guys can continue reading!!
          Love you all, 


Just wanted to let you guys know that i love you so much! Sorry that I havent been on much. I regret it a lot. Then again, I regret a lot of things. But right now, I've been simply replaced. I thought it would never happen but sadly it did. I hope this never happens to you guys because you guys deserve to be happy. But me? It seems as if I was never meant to even be alive....
          Bye my lovies, I'll talk later when I can. You guys mean the world to me.


hey all my beautiful lovies! Sorry that I haven't really been posting or updating. Kinda grounded. :/ It sucks. I don't have my phone, and I'm home bound. Then again, I really don't go anywhere. I don't really live off my phone either so, kinda not really a punishment.  But if any of you guys need to talk, I'm still here for you guys. Feel free to message me, I'll reply as soon as I can. Go listen to the Pitch Perfect 2 soundtrack on Youtube, awesome movie, and awesome music. Love you guys! 
          Kat <3