
For those of you reading my books, I am now going to make a schedule! I hope I’ll be able to keep up with this! I’ve decided I will update  Ouijia Board and Belladonna every other week, so for example, Ouijia Board this week, Belladonna next, then Ouijia Board and so on! I have no clue what day of the week it will be so it will be random! 


@MusicLover489 dw love your doing a great job


So I haven’t been able to keep on schedule. I barely had any motivation and state testing is currently going on. What a great time to get back motivated. I’m going to try to post a chapter at least once a week. Maybe more. For those who ready my Katsuki Bakugou story, I apologize, I did delete it. I am no longer in contact with the person I was writing that with and did not want to re-edit EVERYTHING. I am, though, starting a new story. I’m in the stage of planning out the basics and will have it out soon!


For those of you reading my books, I am now going to make a schedule! I hope I’ll be able to keep up with this! I’ve decided I will update  Ouijia Board and Belladonna every other week, so for example, Ouijia Board this week, Belladonna next, then Ouijia Board and so on! I have no clue what day of the week it will be so it will be random! 


@MusicLover489 dw love your doing a great job


So I haven’t been able to keep on schedule. I barely had any motivation and state testing is currently going on. What a great time to get back motivated. I’m going to try to post a chapter at least once a week. Maybe more. For those who ready my Katsuki Bakugou story, I apologize, I did delete it. I am no longer in contact with the person I was writing that with and did not want to re-edit EVERYTHING. I am, though, starting a new story. I’m in the stage of planning out the basics and will have it out soon!