
So I am back! I have been putting off writing for a while because I got stuck on Love For The One I Hate... So I have started something new! This time I have a plan because I wok better that way :P Go check it out if you are interested and sorry for my absence!


So I am back! I have been putting off writing for a while because I got stuck on Love For The One I Hate... So I have started something new! This time I have a plan because I wok better that way :P Go check it out if you are interested and sorry for my absence!


So I have been working on editing LFTOIH today because I wanted to fix a few things in the chapters I have up before I post a new one. I am hoping that I will be able t get a new chapter up by the end of the week but no promises because I am working the next few days. If you want to check back, chapter 1 is fully edited! Anyway see you soon!


I know I have said this before but I am sorry that I haven't been posting so much. I went abroad and it set my life a little askew. Since I got back things have been difficult so I really haven't had time to do any writing. That and my laptop died so I have been using my dad's and my brother's laptops. I am saving up for a new computer and should be able to afford it at the end of this month with the aid of my birthday. I know that many of you might not be interested in reading any more but I promise I am back!
          Bye :)


It has been far too long since I have posted anything... I honestly don't have a good excuse :S Anyway I am back now and I am hoping to write something soon. I'm not sure where I am in LFTOIH anymore... That sounds so bad :( I will read through it and see if I am wanting to edit it before I start going again because I feel like my writing style has changed slightly. I haven't been doing nothing while I am away. I am going on a gap year to Malaysia later this year! I am so excited! I am also writing a book that is quite different from my usual writing but I'm still not sure if I will post it here or not... If lots of people would like me to then I might but I need convincing :L 
          Anyway thanks to all my fans!


Upload!!!! :P
          Hey can you check out my friends book? It's pretty short so far..
          Got a new book you should check out! killershark wrote it, it occurs in World War 2, when the Nazi's are killing thousands of Jews. Follow a little boy as he is experimented on by a Nazi scientist and struggles to fight his way out! "Lost in Insanity" by killershark may just be beginning but soon it'll be mightily popular, so give it a whirl when you got the time!