
          	Hello everyone!
          	In case anyone’s wondering what happened to the story/ies… Don’t panic. They’re not dead. They’re put on hold for now.
          	Lemme explain.
          	I’ve exhausted myself for more than a month recently. Juggling more than three stories was something I never did before (even during my early Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon fandom days, I only juggled two at a time) so the pressure kinda caught up to me now. 
          	Another specific issue for each story that I need to resolve first is that:
          	     I am still planning out what SPECIFICALLY happens to the characters and the timeline [for An Owl’s Beacon]
          	     I am still waiting for the thumbs up from my beta reader since October as I made a big mistake in chapter 2 (I’ve already written up until Chapter 5 for him to check out as well, if y’all are gonna ask) [for One More Day],
          	     I am still polishing the action sequence and the ending of the next chapter (after this I can start on the easier chapters before finally getting to the long-awaited event!) [for Kaguya-Sama: Love is Assassination],
          	     I am still figuring out how the story works and what to include because I don’t want to end up overwhelming the readers with everything (been overambitious planning this out and wanted to include even older movies like Mulan at one point) [for Rise of the Disney DreamWorks Crossover].


Not only that, but I haven’t gotten the chance to read other stories to juice up my fanboy brain, this tank’s been running on empty. I’ve also been thinking of pulling up my old Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon stories and posting them on these platforms, but those were OLD (like I-wrote-a-dozen-stories-but-only-published-two-in-DeviantArt-since-2013 old), so I still have to sift through those and rewrite them.
          	  Then there’s college and house responsibilities, we all know the drill when you’re old enough to help out.
          	  But I will still be available if you are going to post reviews or ask questions about the story. Any story recommendations will be considered so it’d be cool if you guys shared them, potential fuel for this little writer. If you guys have ideas, feel free to share them, they could either be incorporated into the existing stories or end up kickstarting an entirely different project.
          	  So… I’ll be taking a short break from uploading chapters. I'll most likely come back after December 13 and maybe delete this announcement (if college doesn’t decide to flood us with schoolwork, that is). Sorry for the recent silence. I hope the wait won’t be too long.
          	  Until then!


Hello I'm really enjoying a owls beacon
          Question witt the story go by the main story line or will you Wing it


            A combination of both. I'll see which story beats I can keep as much as possible, but expect plenty of detours, additions, and major changes because of the premise.


          Hello everyone!
          In case anyone’s wondering what happened to the story/ies… Don’t panic. They’re not dead. They’re put on hold for now.
          Lemme explain.
          I’ve exhausted myself for more than a month recently. Juggling more than three stories was something I never did before (even during my early Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon fandom days, I only juggled two at a time) so the pressure kinda caught up to me now. 
          Another specific issue for each story that I need to resolve first is that:
               I am still planning out what SPECIFICALLY happens to the characters and the timeline [for An Owl’s Beacon]
               I am still waiting for the thumbs up from my beta reader since October as I made a big mistake in chapter 2 (I’ve already written up until Chapter 5 for him to check out as well, if y’all are gonna ask) [for One More Day],
               I am still polishing the action sequence and the ending of the next chapter (after this I can start on the easier chapters before finally getting to the long-awaited event!) [for Kaguya-Sama: Love is Assassination],
               I am still figuring out how the story works and what to include because I don’t want to end up overwhelming the readers with everything (been overambitious planning this out and wanted to include even older movies like Mulan at one point) [for Rise of the Disney DreamWorks Crossover].


Not only that, but I haven’t gotten the chance to read other stories to juice up my fanboy brain, this tank’s been running on empty. I’ve also been thinking of pulling up my old Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon stories and posting them on these platforms, but those were OLD (like I-wrote-a-dozen-stories-but-only-published-two-in-DeviantArt-since-2013 old), so I still have to sift through those and rewrite them.
            Then there’s college and house responsibilities, we all know the drill when you’re old enough to help out.
            But I will still be available if you are going to post reviews or ask questions about the story. Any story recommendations will be considered so it’d be cool if you guys shared them, potential fuel for this little writer. If you guys have ideas, feel free to share them, they could either be incorporated into the existing stories or end up kickstarting an entirely different project.
            So… I’ll be taking a short break from uploading chapters. I'll most likely come back after December 13 and maybe delete this announcement (if college doesn’t decide to flood us with schoolwork, that is). Sorry for the recent silence. I hope the wait won’t be too long.
            Until then!


          So... I decided to put this story into a 2-week hiatus, primarily to see how the story will grow and gain attention.
          Aside from that, I'll use the time to handle my college workload, and polish the story some more as well.
          Don't worry, I'm not dropping the story just yet, hehe