
Ok so it was a normal day and I went to school and all that jazz. Apparently Conor Franta was in Colorado for Vidcon and he was also having a meet-up with his fans. Somehow he heard about me and I wasn't special needs or have cancer or anything like that. So anyway he got in contact with my mom asked her for my schools name, asked for my teachers names and emails and then emailed them telling them his plan. His plan was to surprise me during 8th period( which for some odd reason in my dream was 1st period) while I was getting ready to go into class my 8th period teacher pulled all my friends out of class(apparently all the teachers and the whole pod knew about Connor's plan except me) so while my teacher was teaching us a new lesson and Connor walked in the classroom but nobody turned their heads to see who just walked into the room(you know how people turn their heads to see who it is, yeah nobody did that) so my teacher kept on teaching and she called on me for a problem and I wasn't paying attention so I said "What?" then my teacher was like "Regan turn around" then I'm like "Ok" and I see Connor standing there and I start freaking out and crying he comes over to me and gives me a hug and of course I hug him back he told me not to cry and that I was going to spend the rest of the day with him. THEN I FREAKING WOKE UP!!! UGH!!!


Ok so it was a normal day and I went to school and all that jazz. Apparently Conor Franta was in Colorado for Vidcon and he was also having a meet-up with his fans. Somehow he heard about me and I wasn't special needs or have cancer or anything like that. So anyway he got in contact with my mom asked her for my schools name, asked for my teachers names and emails and then emailed them telling them his plan. His plan was to surprise me during 8th period( which for some odd reason in my dream was 1st period) while I was getting ready to go into class my 8th period teacher pulled all my friends out of class(apparently all the teachers and the whole pod knew about Connor's plan except me) so while my teacher was teaching us a new lesson and Connor walked in the classroom but nobody turned their heads to see who just walked into the room(you know how people turn their heads to see who it is, yeah nobody did that) so my teacher kept on teaching and she called on me for a problem and I wasn't paying attention so I said "What?" then my teacher was like "Regan turn around" then I'm like "Ok" and I see Connor standing there and I start freaking out and crying he comes over to me and gives me a hug and of course I hug him back he told me not to cry and that I was going to spend the rest of the day with him. THEN I FREAKING WOKE UP!!! UGH!!!