
Update yalll


Not an update about any book but rather a rant...
          Yesterday, I had problems with iron deficiency. I was extremely dizzy and could not do anything properly, not even hold my phone or sit up without feeling like I would fall. It was a severe episode, as this was the first time something like this has happened to me, and I did not know how to handle it.
          I have also lost my appetite since Monday for some reason, and I struggled to eat my lunch today. I felt like a person struggling with anorexia, the way I struggled to simply chew on the food. 
          I felt so upset the whole day, and currently, my head is pounding. I don't know what to do, this week started so damn bad 
          I'll make sure to update soon though❤


@MuSic_lover_2 i am❤ my appetite returned yesterday luckily


@MuSic_lover_2 I'm so sorry I hope your feeling better now