


So if anyone sees this, it is still me but I am on a different account because my other one(mrsodair4) will not let me log back into it so I am having to start up a new account, so things will look pretty much the same except for new books that I add to my reading lists from here on out. And if I can get back to this account I’ll put something on here.


Okay this is literally my first post but I need to rant for a minute 
          So today my dad kept on asking me different questions about my final this week and I was literally telling him the answers and then he got so mad because apparently that wasn’t what he was asking and so I ignored him for a couple hours and then we’re on our way home and he calls me a “wall.” So I mean of course I’m fuming at this point and then he says that I’m too literal well I’m sorry but you asked me a question and I was trying to give you an answer.
          I will now be starting daily rant sessions (maybe semi-daily)