
this message may be offensive
When I tell you my jaw dropped, my heart jumped outta my mouth and got goosebumps when I saw the 'wicked in love' update was so surreal! I don't know if y'all have read this book "Spitfire in love" by @isabelleronin from 'in love' series but if you haven't then you are missing out on the most beautiful experience of life. If you haven't GO READ RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! 
          	P. S : Don't try to claim the love of my life Cameron coz he's mine for the last 6 years and forever will be. 
          	Sending love. x 
          	~Mrs Cameron ;) 
          	(Also tell me about it after you've read it because I'm so sure that I swear on my first born child that you'll are gonna fall in love! ) 


@MrsCameronStLaurent oh and if you can't afford it coz it's paid you can always go for epub ❤


this message may be offensive
When I tell you my jaw dropped, my heart jumped outta my mouth and got goosebumps when I saw the 'wicked in love' update was so surreal! I don't know if y'all have read this book "Spitfire in love" by @isabelleronin from 'in love' series but if you haven't then you are missing out on the most beautiful experience of life. If you haven't GO READ RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! 
          P. S : Don't try to claim the love of my life Cameron coz he's mine for the last 6 years and forever will be. 
          Sending love. x 
          ~Mrs Cameron ;) 
          (Also tell me about it after you've read it because I'm so sure that I swear on my first born child that you'll are gonna fall in love! ) 


@MrsCameronStLaurent oh and if you can't afford it coz it's paid you can always go for epub ❤


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Enamoured ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡       P.s. have you read the first book Entwined or the spinoff Engulfed? ♡ 


@MrsCameronStLaurent oh, engulfed is a WIP. I’ve published it before but I unpublished it cos it’ll give spoilers and I need to update it together with Engraved. Engulfed timeline will be around Enamoured and Engraved 


@agatharoza I've read entwined but wait... I cannot find engulfed?! 


Guys you need to ASAP read this book "entwined" by @agatharoza and then go for book 2 "enamoured" before it goes premium on 12th October. Dm me if y'all need to find where. And trust me no one will regret reading one bit of it coz the author has beautiful writing skills! It's a book worth your time. All the love. xx 


@MrsCameronStLaurent holy smokes! I just saw this TT~TT THANK YOU SO MUCH, MY ANGEL ❤️ you’re the sweetest I swear!!! ❤️ Hope you’re having a great day and staying safe ❤️ agatha x


Insights are hard to come by
          Inspirations even harder, sigh
          Poems are the hardest to write
          I haven't written one in a while
          Is this what they call
          Writer's block? No
          It's laziness, that's all
          And that's the deadliest foe
          The greatest way ever, to me
          To overcome this demon
          Is to just see and be
          Taste, hear, count seconds
          There goes a pretty butterfly
          It's matrix of colours
          Inspiring me to try
          And I build word towers
          I see the hourglass
          The sand falling and falling
          Until the spent grains amass
          And there it sits, mocking
          Taunting me, until I picked up my pen
          Out flow the words of how and when
          I've lost all my lifetime
          Hours turn to years
          Until the death bells chime
          My longing turns to tears
          By the way
          It was all a poem
          I'm still whole
          My brain ready to roam
          The next best way
          Is to question, question
          Do that, don't delay
          And get answers with passion
          See where it goes
          Someplace good, I'm sure
          And, voila, we have a poem
          Just like I assured


          As you know the 11th year anniversary is coming on 23rd of next July. So we have to complete some projects by then. Those of the following are : 
          1) Even though songs like More than this, story of my life, best song ever have millions of views it's still not what they deserve so we are gonna start streaming these songs from " 18th of July " and little beforehand to get the songs on the charts. We need to stream the songs on every platform possible : YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon music etc. 
          2) The second task is to stream drag me down which is close to 1B views but also story of my life on 18th of July(which is last Sunday before the anniversary) and the make the masterpiece No.1 on that day. 
          3) Even add "our song", " Strip that down" and "kill my mind" on the stream list. To promote their individual success. 
          4) And make sure to trend #niallwestillloveyou as people are leaving his fandom idk why so we need to support our Irish princess at any cost. 
          If this is the same fandom who sold FNB stadium in minutes then we can do this guys! We need to head start now as these projects will take time to complete. 
          All the love. ❤


THANKS FOR THE FOLLOW :) (I dunno why Im screaming)


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@MrsCameronStLaurent I love you too new found bestie! Besides, you're and Indian and a fucking directioner. Its my lucky day caz we family now ;)


@CarterGrace_15 Now thaaat made me smile! Because I feel like we're going to be great friends? Haha I love you. ❤


Hello Grace!
          Sorry, I don't mean to intrude, but if you like fantasy and romance stories, maybe you’d like to give ‘Among Vampires’ by M.J. Stephanos a chance. 
          I think she deserves more support and readers, especially now, when it`s getting more crowded and hard to be noticed. 
          Best Regards Drillaisarealkilla