
Not sure if they follow me but I can't remember there username. I'm looking for the profile of the person who wrote The Shield's New Bitch. I just went to read it but can't find it. 


Not sure if they follow me but I can't remember there username. I'm looking for the profile of the person who wrote The Shield's New Bitch. I just went to read it but can't find it. 


Sorry it's taking me so long to update. I have had extremely bad writers block. Then today my bunny died. 
          Also I have kinda a weird question. Did any of you guys play Webkinz but still have codes that aren't used because I know someone who would love the codes. 
          Sorry if this is out of the blue


Hey hey, thanks for adding my story 'Light in the Darkness' to your reading list. I still need to edit and correct the published chapters and finish the story but I really appreciate it when people like the ideas I come up with :)


@xTotalDivax thanks a lot for the follow
            Also thanks for adding my book to your reading list❤️❤️❤️❤️