
I have like these random spurts of inspiration where all I wanna do for a few days is stay up till dawn writing, and once that dwindles It’s like months before I regain interest. Sorry about that. I’m in one of those inspiration spells right now tho :)


All you AoT fans out there go check out my new story! I’ve always wanted to write an actual story but just never got around to it. Hehe, procrastination. But I felt with the release of season three of the anime, and having to wait for such a long time for the next episode, it would be a good time to actually get myself around to writing something. Disclaimer: I plan on publishing the first chapter in a little less than a month, I published the intro as a teaser of sorts. 


Hey guys! Wanna help me defend the USA from some cultists! Then sign up! we need code name. state. ability and availability. Please sign up. This is real and I've seen it. One is in NC and another is in UT so help defend your state, please.