My name is Lucius Malfoy

My wife is Narcissa Malfoy, but our relationship is un stable it is a terrible chore and I despise chores. I have one son named Draco, and a dramatic grandson named Scorpius, mothered by Astoria Greengrass. My wand is crafted from Elm wood and Dragon Heartstring and is over 1,000 years old.

Due to my resent, narrow escape from Azkaban I refuse to say where I am at this present time.

My father is Abraxas Malfoy and I am a descendant of Brutus Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy I.
Other family members and friends:
Narcissa -
Draco -
Bellatrix -
Scorpius -
Serverus -
Astoria -
Brianna- @BriannaGreengrass my niece in law whom kindly up this account for more
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  • Đã tham giaJune 26, 2016