
Hey! I just wanted to say I absolutely love your writing style, I blew through Insomnia it’s so good. I was wondering if you plan to continue it or if it’s done? 


Also, thank you so so much! It really means the world as these on here are my first time posting anything 


I definitely plan on continuing! I got distracted by a bunch of life events lol I have more written I just haven’t posted any


Omg I just finished it Insomnia SleepToken story and has to comment. I was just listening to Granite, and thinking about the lyrics, they combine with this story so well like, think about it.
          “If you had a problem, then you should have told me, before you started getting all aggressive and control” that’s like, each other keeping their problems from  the other then taking it out in them
          “You only drink the water, when you think it’s holy” so like, either only taking stuff from Vessel cause it’s ‘holy’, or only taking orders from Vessel or Sleep cause it’s ‘Holy’
          “So keep and eye on the road, or we will both be here forever” I see that as keep you mind or eyes on the thoughts of the place you wanna go or what you wanna do otherwise we’re goanna be stuck here
          You know what I mean sorry this just came to my mind and I had to tell someone before I forgot


I definitely see where you’re coming from!  I’m glad you’re enjoying the story! There will be a bit of a break as I caught up to where I’d currently stopped. I’m still going strong though so please stay tuned for more 
            I have a couple others I need to add chapters to if you’re interested as well 