
O woah- I got hit by mega happiness right now. The Boyish Type is #1 in hostclub and I got the chills. I’ve had that book for like five years- so I was little when I started it and revamping it then continuing was nerve wracking just because I wasn’t sure if anyone would still read it. 
          	I love y’all and thank you for reading it, and continuing to read it as I slowly update it 


O woah- I got hit by mega happiness right now. The Boyish Type is #1 in hostclub and I got the chills. I’ve had that book for like five years- so I was little when I started it and revamping it then continuing was nerve wracking just because I wasn’t sure if anyone would still read it. 
          I love y’all and thank you for reading it, and continuing to read it as I slowly update it 


O boy I’ve started school again- ahhh. For anyone returning to school today too hope ur first day back is going well  
          As for Boyish Type it might take even more time to update- or I’ll update a lot more- there’s no inbetween lmao. I really hope you’re all enjoying it so far 


@PyroRescue1 same, I’ve gotten lost a couple times- not fun lol, Hope University is good so far 


            Thank you. I'm going to die. University will kill me


@PyroRescue1 I wish you luck to have a good first day tmr! 


I have really been planning out how to fully be able to complete my book that I’ve been working on for over about 3 years now. Honestly with the ideas I have I’m very proud and I can’t wait to put out all the chapters when I’m done.
          Hope everyone’s doing good today <3