
Getting my ears pierced tomorrow.
          	But like the proper way instead of reliving my childhood horror of claires.


I'm going to tell you about the weirdest dream ever.
          It was a normal day, then people started getting attacked by these hands? And we couldn't figure out how they were getting to us, at first we thought it was electronics but then it turned out to be something else, can't remember what. But people started turning into zombies somewhere around the middle of the dream instead of dying, and I with someone else were the last alive, but we were like 8, then we had to figure out a cure, so we started theorizing while being chased by this giant group of zombies. Then they brought up this fungi that used to be eaten so much that it got a defense almost, and I was like, don't tell me that the cure is to bite the zombies- 
          Yeah. It was.
          Most people would've woken up when it was terrifying like when people were doing to hands.
          But me?
          I woke up when we found out the cure was to bite them back.
          I don't think I'll survive any apocalypse if that's the case.


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Just found out that most people learn the months + plus the amount of days through a remember in elementary.
          AND IDK HOW MANY DAYS MOST HAVE (I know February, october, and december)
          WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT THEN HUH??!?!?!??!
          Side note: I'm learning Japanese :)


@Moss_sheep_Milo Also, I'm learning Japanese too :)


Today, I gave someone a midlife crisis.
          Today in science we talked about how in however long it was that eventually the moon would be locked in place, and wouldn't pull on the tides anymore, and stuff, and someone (P) said somthin along the lines of, at least it's not in my life time" so I replied with "what if your immortal, or a time travler?" And someone else (A) with "What if you become a ghost".
          I love online school.


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Aight, I'm just gonna say it.
          I'm 13.
          Why am I getting dms that are sexual like, even if they are most likely malware?
          Why is there sexual shit in kid-friendly sections on social sites?
          Why do I have to be the one to block and report that when it shouldn't even happen?