
Ugh... I seriously hate my old Creepypasta lemons. I really just wanna take it down until I've revised the ""Stories"" on it, but I guess since people still like them I'll keep it up. Either way, I'm gonna be revising those ""stories"...


Ugh... I seriously hate my old Creepypasta lemons. I really just wanna take it down until I've revised the ""Stories"" on it, but I guess since people still like them I'll keep it up. Either way, I'm gonna be revising those ""stories"...


So, I know I haven't posted any fanfictions in quite a bit, and I'm not even gonna try and excuse myself because the sole reason is because of procrastination. I don't really wanna write anything right now because I'm not certain what *to* write. I have tons of fanfictions under work, but when I come back to them to write, I suddenly don't know what to.. Well, write. 
           I swear I'll try and get something out soon, but... I can't promise anything.


Please do more Pokemon lemons they are really good


@robotdevillover same here I luv his concept too


@robotdevillover Yep. It's rare to find people who like Gen 6 in general, let alone Lysandre. He might not have been well pulled off like other villains, but I like the concept and design of him~


@robotdevillover same, I'm so glad to find more people who love him too :3