
you are very deservantly welcome =)


Please bear with me over the next month or so, as I'm exploring various facets of my fictional realm. Therefore I'll be writing [incomplete] shorts to try and see what I like best; keep in mind, this will sidetrack the progress of JIHDE though I do intend on advancing with it sooner or later. Thanks for any fan's mediation and patience! =)


hopefully by tomorrow night I'll have uploaded the next episode (Ch.3) in my new story "JIHDE" .. I'm almost done writing it, and just by the first page I have this wind of amazingness. lol not to sound haughty, but it's nice to have crafted such a well-written chapter so suddenly (I wasn't even expecting to write at all tonight). so, I'm interested to hear any fans' opinions once I do post it, as it will serve as the heart of the story. thanks!!


@MoonWindStar I did awhile ago. one's a tribal wolf head howling at the moon and the other is a splotch of ink transforming into birds. the third is 'CACOETHES SCRIBENDI' on my right bicep. touchups for the snake-roses one will be more roses to fully envelop the snake and better fill-ins of color. eventually I'll make a sleeve out of that arm, but that's years on down the road...


so, in trying to fluently upload my new story "Jungles In her Dark Eyes," I've failed due to the unnecessarily complicated means of publishing a multi-part story on this damn site. I'm frustrated and will be furthermore if it comes out to having 2 chapters of the same name, or the title of the book being the title of one chapter, or something ridiculous like that. at any rate, Chapter 1 is called Roadkill, I'll keep writing from thereon and upload as updates to Jungle In her Dark eyes, even if there are...nevermind, I'm confusing myself. I don't care. I'm just gonna upload in sequence.