
Hey guys. Sooo... It's been awhile, hasn't it?
          	I guess you could say I'm back from the dead? I dunno. But I will say this: if you'd like to read my work recent work, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU TO FOLLOW ME ON MY FF.NET AND AO3 ACCOUNTS. I barely go on Wattpad at all anymore and almost exclusively write on and ao3. You can find me on under the same username as my wattpad, and you can find me on ao3 as WolfMoonRyder. I write for more fandoms now, my major one at the time I'm posting this being Overwatch. I also likely won't continue any stories on wattpad unless I hit a huuuuuge surge of inspiration or something. Reason? I feel like I've vastly improved as a writer over the past couple of years, and I just don't feel proud of some of the work I posted on this site anymore.
          	So again, if you want to read my stuff, please follow me on and/or ao3. 
          	Thanks :)


Hey guys. Sooo... It's been awhile, hasn't it?
          I guess you could say I'm back from the dead? I dunno. But I will say this: if you'd like to read my work recent work, I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU TO FOLLOW ME ON MY FF.NET AND AO3 ACCOUNTS. I barely go on Wattpad at all anymore and almost exclusively write on and ao3. You can find me on under the same username as my wattpad, and you can find me on ao3 as WolfMoonRyder. I write for more fandoms now, my major one at the time I'm posting this being Overwatch. I also likely won't continue any stories on wattpad unless I hit a huuuuuge surge of inspiration or something. Reason? I feel like I've vastly improved as a writer over the past couple of years, and I just don't feel proud of some of the work I posted on this site anymore.
          So again, if you want to read my stuff, please follow me on and/or ao3. 
          Thanks :)


I've had a lot of time to work on that story I mentioned about a month ago. I now have about half of the story planned out (maybe a bit more), and I've started chapter 2. This is a story I'm going to try to not take millennium long breaks on!!! XD


New story in the works. Chapter 1 is finished and I'm currently working on the Prologue. I'm not sure when this will be published because I have to finish my summer assignments, but I'll try to get them up as soon as possible! :)
          (PS: It's a fanfic I've mentioned in the past... Disney related.)


Have you ever wondered if things happen for a reason?
          If, for instance, a past tragedy (such as the loss of a loved one's life) had never occurred, would you be where you are now...? In the place that you love as the person you are?
          (Btw a virtual year's supply of cookies to anyone who knows who I'm referencing ;D)


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(Btw, I've FIIINALLY decided to get off my lazy bum and type up the rest of chapter 5 for PDLM.. don't kill me, but I've had it all written in a notebook somewhere buried in my mess of notebooks in my room.. Whenever I get the time [warning: I'm super busy] I will post it! :D)
          Also, another fanfic incoming.. one that I tried to resist writing but in the end fell to my intense fandom for this ship...... ;)