
The next chapter is currently a WIP since I’ve been busy with stuff irl so it might take some time, but I promise I’ll finish this story! I just need time to get the chapters up and ready.


@MoonWolf022 sure I can wait good luck


If any of you are wondering when you'll be seeing a new chapter or when any of your request are coming in, I'll be totally honest, you'll most likely get an update definitely not this week, but probably next week or the week after. Why? Well, I've been taking care of many things. This week finals start so I'm taking time to study and organize my notes. My twin also came up with COVID and I somehow came out negative- but I'm using most and pretty much all my free time to spend time with them online or outside their room (since I got kicked out of our room and onto the couch). Even if most of this does sound stressful, I'm perfectly devoted to the upcoming chapters and requests to get them finished! Thank you for your time, stay safe, and have a wonderful day/night!


Alrighty, so I'm back! I took a break since final exams are coming up and I'm trying my best to pass all my classes (even tho I have straight As :D). Plus, I'm going  to be making a new story for the letters au and I'll be adding part 1,2, and 3 into that and continue on from there. I'll have it published this week! Have a nice day/night everyone!


@MoonWolf022 sweet hope u pass your exams 




Oh I can't wait


@fennekinfox6 Thats exactly what I had in mind tbh


Hope fully part 3 with come out soon but until than I'll be waiting 