
I'm currently working on a superhero story of my own. You might see it in the next few days if I stay focused on it, so in other words might be a few weeks. But I'm letting you guys know this that way if you have any ideas for some trouble that she fight I would love to hear them and I might just use them in one of the chapters. So yeah. I'll tell you a little bit about her so has wings, fights with swords, has military fighting skills from her father, has a bit of an bitchy side and didn't want really be a superhero. Her new friend Scott is the only one other than her parents that know about her wing, while him and a pawn shop owner. Scott invents thing that Syurga uses to fight, he made her outfit that she wears for crime-fighting, his mother is a cop so that how she gets her missions. Both of their father work in Area 51 and Syurga's father is a highly respected men. Scott is a geek so he even made Syurga into a comic book hero. The primely swords that she uses are Twin swords that she named Angel and Demon, which are samurai swords that has magic made into to them. The pawn shop owner gave her them after she saved him. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. 


I'm currently working on a superhero story of my own. You might see it in the next few days if I stay focused on it, so in other words might be a few weeks. But I'm letting you guys know this that way if you have any ideas for some trouble that she fight I would love to hear them and I might just use them in one of the chapters. So yeah. I'll tell you a little bit about her so has wings, fights with swords, has military fighting skills from her father, has a bit of an bitchy side and didn't want really be a superhero. Her new friend Scott is the only one other than her parents that know about her wing, while him and a pawn shop owner. Scott invents thing that Syurga uses to fight, he made her outfit that she wears for crime-fighting, his mother is a cop so that how she gets her missions. Both of their father work in Area 51 and Syurga's father is a highly respected men. Scott is a geek so he even made Syurga into a comic book hero. The primely swords that she uses are Twin swords that she named Angel and Demon, which are samurai swords that has magic made into to them. The pawn shop owner gave her them after she saved him. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.