
Hey everyone!! “Cultivator of Magic, Chapter 3: Arrival in Oclain” is going public today at 2pm EST!!!


Hey there!
          Thank you for following me ❤️
           I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you're taking care of yourself.
          Did you remember to eat and drink something today?
           Have you been getting enough rest and sleep?
           Is there anything exciting happening in your life ?
           And how are your books coming along? 
          Whatever you're going through, never forget that my message board is always open for you to talk about anything at all. 
          Have a wonderful day! 


hiii!!! I’m doing ok how about you? just woke up but am planning to in a few minutes after I finish my morning routine lol!! I hope u remembers to eat too!! Nothing too exciting going on rn, just went to the fair yesterday tho and had some fun!! How about you? As for my book(s) (working on a second one ehe), they’re going great!! me and my editor are working on revising chapter 6 right now, but in total, I already have 17 chapters planned out!! So readers are going to be expecting much more content from COM (Cultivator of Magic)!! If you ever want to, feel free to check it out!! It’s updated every Friday at 2pm EST!! And same for you, I’m always here to talk when u need it!!! Have a good dayyyy❤️


hey everyone!! Just wanted to let u know that I’m going to unpublish COM bc I want to go back and rewrite it a little as well as make it more readable in general, but I’ll announce when it’ll return!! hopefully as a finished book ehe!