
Merry Christmas! 


I just reread Stages if Divorce I really love this story I’m hoping and I know a lot of your readers want a sequel to this book I think it would be really good we could find out how Christian was after the divorce and if ended up with Harper or someone else I always thought this book deserves a sequel there is a lot more that can be written about how all there lives are years later 


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I absolutely loved this book but am wondering if you're going to continue with it???It will actually be good if you did some scenes from Christian's point of view.In this book he seems like a complete asshole who doesn't really care though he claims he does.I hope it'll have karma for him and especially the redhead.


I would love to find out what happened to her ex did he remarry is he still with Harper? I was always curious and I just reread this book again I know she found her happy ever after with Liam I always wondered what happened to Christian not that he really deserved a happily ever  after since he would have still continued to cheat had she not caught him 


@WendyBlackston Same.I hope karma hits Harper and Christian.I hope we also see christians pov to know if he regrets cause the book doesnt really say