
          	I'm back...
          	Sorry for not being so active I've but in some busy stuff and dang it been a long time, but here my situation right now:
          	●I'm now a 10th grader in highschool
          	●in my marching band we went area and didn't make it to state and we're just on concert season now
          	●I've been doing other things thats took up my time and I'm going to have a quinceañera in 2018 so I'm stuck planning and building a barn, ya 
          	●i want to discontinue the stories i have and start all over again cause, i need to have things planed out so you guy's can read stories of mine that are atually good. so I'll leave the stories for now and try to get a new one out thats is ready, not having it unplanned, and have a draft set and get me friend that help me edit/look over some
          	Again sorry for not being ative and i hope to see you guys in the future


          I'm back...
          Sorry for not being so active I've but in some busy stuff and dang it been a long time, but here my situation right now:
          ●I'm now a 10th grader in highschool
          ●in my marching band we went area and didn't make it to state and we're just on concert season now
          ●I've been doing other things thats took up my time and I'm going to have a quinceañera in 2018 so I'm stuck planning and building a barn, ya 
          ●i want to discontinue the stories i have and start all over again cause, i need to have things planed out so you guy's can read stories of mine that are atually good. so I'll leave the stories for now and try to get a new one out thats is ready, not having it unplanned, and have a draft set and get me friend that help me edit/look over some
          Again sorry for not being ative and i hope to see you guys in the future


Hey today is Yuri Plisetsky Birthday!!!! 3/1
          *Insert Yoosung party emoji*
          Happy 16th birthday to the Russian Punk, Yurio, and I hope there is a cat for a gift sice it's also national cat day in Russia as well XD.
          Anyway nice to see you guys and my spring break is coming up so I'll get a friend of mine to help me out on my story to do the edits on my story
          So have a nice day and wish Yurio a happy birthday on anything, but I would go on Tumblr cause though are funny a cool.
          See y'all next time      ~(•∆•)/* <3


Happy Valentine's Day to every on
          I noticed that I have 200 views on my story so thanks for the support
          Reasons for not updating
          1. Schools a butt
          2. I don't have time
          3. I'll do this over the summer, so please wait for a while
          Anyway have a nice Valentine's Day tomorrow!!!


Omg I love your profile picture °^°


@The-Baka-Banana bye-bye, oh and you can talk to my friend that's on Wattpad as well she's fun @WillowCampsey.


Happy Birthday Viktor Nikiforov
          (Just kiss Yuri already =_=)
          All Yuri on Ice fans love you, be the awesome coach
          And to the rest of you Merry Christmas and be awesome and hope you have the greatest day ever, make the best out of your day!!