This account is shared by 4 girls.

My name is Viva Bennett. I am 16 years old. I love being a loud mouth teenager girl.I am black. My favourite colour is black and red. I love all my friends but my best friend is Holly. This is what I look Like.

My name is Holly Vavasour. I am 16 years old. I am mostly angry all the time. I am bad at school... Well so is my friends but I'm the worst.I am a Loud Mouth teenager girl, who has anger issues.My favourite colour is Red I love Listening to music. I love all my friends but my best friend is Viva. This is what I look like.

My name is Amber Dean. I have long blonde hair which obviously means I'm pretty. I am 16 years old. I am known as the fick(dumb) one in my squad... I luv all my friends but I love my weird friend Saz. This is what I look Like.

My name is Saz Kaur. I am 16 and BTW I'M NOT WEIRD.....ALRIGHT MAYBE A LITTLE BIT BUT IT'S WHO I AM.My best friend is Amber even though I love all my friends. I am the Geek girl in my squad. I am rude and I'm sarcastic in a rude and Judgemental way. this is what I look like.

We love football. we joined a football club and we are always friends like we fall out for a minute or we have a freeze out then we become friends again. The profile picture is us. Amber-Blonde girl, Saz- Dark skinned girl, Me viva- Black girl and Holly- white girl .~Squad goals~ #writtenthispartbyvivabennett
  • USA,California
  • JoinedJuly 28, 2015