
So yeah, I have pulled the Draconian Star from active rotation as its been in flux for a little bit. And since the 2023 SMB Movie, I have begin to re-evaluate my own story itself. Thinking of a few new ideas. Don't expect anything to come out of it as of yet. Just tossing around potential plot directions and such. Well, back to my writer cyrostasis for now. Will reemerge when I come up with something.


So yeah, I have pulled the Draconian Star from active rotation as its been in flux for a little bit. And since the 2023 SMB Movie, I have begin to re-evaluate my own story itself. Thinking of a few new ideas. Don't expect anything to come out of it as of yet. Just tossing around potential plot directions and such. Well, back to my writer cyrostasis for now. Will reemerge when I come up with something.


I have been a bit in denial on my creativity and overall drive to write but I think it's time to face facts. I just don't want to write for public viewing anymore. Lack of interest and such combined with its just not fun for me lately. It feels like work and that's usually my sign to stop or pause. I will still continue to write stories in my own time offline at some point but for now publishing anything further is on indefinite hold. My focus is just on other endeavors and life right now. Project Ayla will continue but off line and at my own deliberate pace. No estimated time of completion. For the moment it's published status has been voluntarily reversed. Thanks. 


Hiya everyone! 
          So I have posted my intro chapter for my new story Ayla. It departs from fanfiction and is going to be my first original piece so new territory. Their is no release schedule as I write only when I have time between work, being a mama, life and etc so will get to that finish line eventually. I figure this first step will keep my motivational fire lit so I can keep moving forward to completion. 
          Well, anyway enjoy the recently released introduction chapter!


Hi Hi friends! I am pleased to report writing is going well though not quite at the speed I would like. Life, mommy duties and work continues to provide plenty of turbulence but rest assured I am still working on my new story. At this point, I am up to chapter 3 of my new story, Aylia. I can not give a reliable estimate as its still too early too tell. At this point, I am trying to get at least a rough draft out then I will go back over it for refinement. Updates to the story's progress will appear here as they become available. In the meantime, continue to look forward to my usual activity on Instagram for the time being. I wish everyone a prosperous and healthy 2022. May the odds ever be in your favor. . . . I hope.



Kasumi here again! I actually forgot to mention, I have also developed Lucia, the mamano girl, unicorn from my popular story, One Cannot Defy Fate. I will see about re-developing the book cover on Wattpad with the new image then post images for her on my Instagram account later on. Look forward to it! Bye! Bye!


Hi! Hi! Mistress Kasumi here! I am pleased to report story progression is going well. I am just completing the rough draft of chapter two and moving on to chapter three. How many chapters will there be? I haven't completed decided but I usually aim for 12 to 15 chapters in total. This is going to be an original novel as I am aiming not to borrow or parody elements from anything so far. So I suppose its not going to be a fanfic at all is it. 
          May have to research that a bit to be sure. 
          Project Ayla is going well. Yay!
          I also posted an idea of what AYLA looks like. You can find it on my Instagram. Just look for the same name: mistress_kasumi. Thanks for your continued support. And I will report in when I have more news hopefully soon. Bye! Bye!


I have restarted my new fanfic project. I grappled with the idea of just trying to pick up the pieces of my old unpublished work but didn't like the direction so its scrapped. Instead, I am writing in a new direction and it will carry a simple title: "Ayla". As to what that means or anything else will just have to come out when I finish writing the story and start releasing chapters. 
          Till then stay with me. 
          Mommy is cooking once again. I found my inspiration again! Yay!


Good god its been a long time. I am so sorry. 
          Between tropical storms, repeated close encounters with a certain virus and other life drama has kept me from even thinking about writing. Latest issue was a virus nasty of the virtual kind. Real meanie. I ended up having to do a complete system wipe of all of my digital media. . . . . yea all of it. So lost all of my files. Tried to save what I could with cloud but whatever malware I was dealing with kept getting copied over at the same time. Even got my back ups. Honestly, despite scans, professional visual inspections and reassurances I am still slightly paranoid if my systems are completely clean. I guess my feelings will calm down a little over time. 
           "Had to nuke the site from orbit. It was the only way to be sure." 
          Anyway it means I am starting from memory on my latest mamano girl project. Maybe it was a god send as that means it gives me a new reason to revise anything I need to. 
          The Draconian Star, my Princess Peach and friends fanfic will remain in stasis for the moment. I am not abandoning it. I know their are quite a few followers who are engaged with it. And I owe it to Peach, Luigi and friends to complete it. I honestly need a break with it until I can find my inspiration again. 2020 and 2021 have been doing a number on that front.


Still alive.
           It has been quite a while since I have done anything. I have been dealing with some lengthy IRL issues for quite a period of time. Some of it was also health related. Not going into details as I like to keep that sort of thing to myself. Anyway, I have been looking over where I left off with my Draconian Star story and will be finishing this up soon. At this point, just trying my hardest to get it done. 
          After that, will be finally trying to resume work on my next manano girl story. Look forward to it and yes I am still intending to write another one.
          Hopefully, next time you hear from me will be another new chapter release.
          Stay safe and healthy out there, friends.
          Mistress Kasumi.