
hey guys im gonna manage Seraphina's account for a bit -Maddiline:)


So guys, as some of you have noticed I am back. I'm on spring break, So I'll try and upload as much as possible before I have to go back to school. Another thing. I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thanks for sticking with me, even though I hardly ever upload (that will change now and over the summer). Finally, I'm going to delete "The Bloody Death of Charlie Stone". I'm not really feeling that anymore because the guy that was my inspiration (I really didn't like him) moved. I didn't bully him, if that's what you're thinking. It was a family thing. Okay thanks for listening to my rant. Bye guys. Much love.


So as a New Years present I'm going to upload a super short sneak peak of Annabelinda Grace Beta and then a longer sneak peak of A Day In The Life and whatever I have written of my new graphic short story and finally I will publish WWE Have RAW Emotions. 
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!


So, I'm working on a new short story. It's called WWE Have RAW Emotions. (I know that the title sucks.) Description:
          Adi Parkinson is one of the top WWE Divas. She's dating the one and only Zach Ryder, has boys at her feet, and has only lost one match this year. But what happens when she finds out that Zach is cheating on her? And that the one and only John Cena has been in love with her forever? Will Zach try and win her back? Or will John Cena capture her heart? And will she defeat her archnemisis, Beth Pheonix, or will a cripling injury through her out of the ring permanantly?
          What do you guys think?